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[RELAUNCHED] Reviews4Good: Every Review & Reply on Podchaser sends 25 cents to Meals on Wheels

🎉✨ #Reviews4Good Makes a HUGE Comeback in 2021! 🎉✨

Last year’s #Reviews4Good was a tremendous success so we decided to relaunch it for the second year in a row! #Reviews4Good 2021 is now live and it is going to be even larger than before! For more information, please visit our press release here!

Extended through April 30th & NEW Matching Donations

We’ve been blown away by your response and we want to keep the donations flowing so we’ve extended the donation period through the end of April!

New Matching Donations 🙌

Not only are we doubling the donation window but we’ve brought a few friends along to raise even more money! Here are what awesome podcast companies are pledging:

To find out what platform a podcast is hosted on, you can see it on their Podchaser page (sidebar on desktop, scroll down on mobile).


All through April, we’re donating 25 cents to Meals on Wheels America‘s COVID-19 Response Fund for EVERY podcast or episode review on Podchaser! And we’ll double it every time a podcast replies to the review!

Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund

Things are a bit hectic at the moment (to say the least), so we wanted to come up with a fun way to support our community and our podcasters. In the face of COVID-19 and recent quarantine efforts across the nation, many seniors are being even further isolated at this vulnerable time. That’s why we chose to support Meals on Wheels America’s COVID-19 Response Fund, an excellent charity that delivers not only nutritional meals but social interaction. A hot meal and a friendly delivery are needed more than ever.

Give to the Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund to help local communities across the country meet the increased demand for nutritious meals that can keep our seniors safe and healthy. Donated funds will replenish food supplies, subsidize additional transportation and personnel costs, enable tech-based efforts to check in on isolated seniors and support timely distribution of science-based information needed to ensure safe care for all.

Below you’ll find more information on:

Here’s How to Participate

Through the end of April 2020, every time you leave a review for a podcast or an individual episode, Podchaser will donate 25 cents to Meals on Wheels America. You can leave as many reviews as you’d like! 🙌

⚡️ Podcasters can 2X it! If the podcast replies to your review, we’ll double the donation. So let them know you want a reply!

  • Ends April 30th at 11:59pm ET
  • Reviews must be a minimum of 20 characters in length
  • Reviews should be unique. No copy-paste jobs up in here!

Leaving a Review on Podchaser is Easy!

Reviewing a Podcast

To review a podcast, visit the podcast’s page on Podchaser (you can get there via the search bar, browsing, and several other places on the site). Once there, click the Rate Podcast button.

You’ll then see a modal that lets you rate the podcast and write a review. Click save and that’s it!

Reviewing an Episode

Reviewing an episode is just as easy. Visit the podcast’s page on Podchaser and click the Episodes tab (or you can find an episode via browsing, search, and several other places on the site). You’ll find a list of all the episodes of the series, click the one you want to review and that will take to you it’s own page. Once there, click the Rate Episode button.

You’ll then see a modal that lets you rate the episode and write a review. Click save and you’re done!

Replying to Reviews

If you’re a podcaster, you have an excellent opportunity to 2X donations. All you need to do is reply to reviews and we’ll double the amount we send to Meals on Wheels America. Here’s how you do it:

First, make sure you’ve claimed your podcast. You do this by visiting you podcast page on Podchaser and click the Claim this Podcast button. The popup modal will walk you through the steps.

Visit the reviews section of your podcast or episode page. Scroll down to the review you wish to reply to and click Reply as your podcast.

You can then write your reply and hit submit. Boom, you just did your part!

Meals on Wheels America


From the Meals on Wheels America website:

Meals on Wheels America is the leadership organization supporting the more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. This network serves virtually every community in America and, along with more than two million staff and volunteers, delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable America’s seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity. By providing funding, leadership, education, research and advocacy support, Meals on Wheels America empowers its local member programs to strengthen their communities, one senior at a time.

On COVID-19 Action

From the Meals on Wheels America website:

Vulnerable seniors are at the greatest risk amid COVID-19. Local Meals on Wheels programs are on the front lines every day, focused on doing all they can to keep older Americans safe and nourished in communities across the country. The costs and efforts needed to protect seniors from COVID-19 require additional emergency funds, and that is why we are asking federal lawmakers, corporations, foundations and the general public to remember these vulnerable seniors in our national response. Give to the Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Response Fund to ensure local communities have what they need to continue to deliver a vital lifeline to our most at-risk Americans.

How to Help

Besides leaving reviews on Podchaser, you can help Meals on Wheels America by donating and volunteering.

Spread the Word

Use hashtag #Reviews4Good to help spread the word and get everyone involved!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many reviews can I leave?

As many as you want! Just make sure they’re over 20 characters in length to qualify!

How do I leave a review?

We have instructions right here!

How do I reply to a review?

Only claimed podcasts can reply to reviews. Here’s how.

Why don’t you just donate to the charity without making people leave reviews?

Listen, we’re going to donate no matter what. It’s the right thing to do. Our goal with Reviews for Charity is to not only support our community, but also help raise the spirits of podcasters out there. We could all use a little sunshine in our life and we think this is a win-win across the board.

Why do you require a minimum character length for reviews?

20 characters is a very small number, but it helps limit one word reviews or emoji reviews, which are generally unhelpful for podcasts and listeners alike.

How much is Podchaser donating?

We’re donating 25 cents for every podcast or episode review and an additional 25 cents for every reply to a review (from a podcast), up to $10,000.

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