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    'We Fix Space Junk' follows seasoned smuggler Kilner and reluctant fugitive Samantha as they travel the galaxy, dodging bullets and meeting strange and wonderful beings as they carry out odd jobs on the fringes of the law.A female-led sci-fi comedy sitcom set in the far future, in a high-tech, dystopian world, We Fix Space Junk draws on the sci-fi of the past, following in the footsteps of Harry Harrison and of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.Equal parts love-letter to sci-fi and satire of the present-day, Space Junk is lovingly produced by Beth Crane and Hedley Knights of Battle Bird Productions.To support the show visit patreon.com/BattleBirdProd or visit Battlebird.productions

    FictionScience FictionArts


    138 Ratings

    If you're searching for answers on topics such as: what is mixing in music, how I can learn to mix music, how to start music production, how can I get better at music production, what is music production, or maybe how to get into the music industry or even just how to release music.  Either way, you’re my kind of person and there's something in this podcast for you! I'm Marc Matthews and I host the Inside The Mix Podcast. It's the ultimate serial podcast for music production and mixing enthusiasts. Say goodbye to generic interviews and tutorials, because I'm taking things to the next level. Join me as I feature listeners in round table music critiques and offer exclusive one-to-one coaching sessions to kickstart your music production and mixing journey. Get ready for cutting-edge music production tutorials and insightful interviews with Grammy Award-winning audio professionals like Dom Morley (Adele) and Mike Exeter (Black Sabbath). If you're passionate about music production and mixing like me, the Inside The Mix is the podcast you can't afford to miss!Start with this audience-favourite episode: #75: How to Mix Bass Frequencies (PRODUCER KICKSTART: VYLT)Thanks for listening & happy producing!



    9 Ratings

    A science fiction audio drama series of time travel, fear and corruption. Two timelines to choose fromJoshua's Timeline 1-6Elizabeth's Timeline A-F

    ArtsPerforming ArtsScience Fiction


    11 Ratings

    Radio Silence is an anthology series of dark, standalone mystery plays, exploring the dark recesses of human nature in twisted, unsettling stories.

    ArtsPerforming ArtsAudio Drama


    2 Ratings

    気がつくと、その小さな部屋には私を含めて4人の男女が閉じ込められていた。 足首には、変な形をした足輪がはめられている。直後、無機質な声が部屋中に響いた。 「さぁ、始めよう。スリルウォーク、スタートだ」 足輪のランプが怪しく点滅を始めた・・・●脚本・演出:ふくろう ●キャスト:渡辺京、伊勢参、黒猫夜天、井蛙ちそら、渡辺淳也、麻上美誘、他



    0 Ratings


    0 Ratings

    ボイスドラマ系サークル合同企画「紅い月プロジェクト」参加作品。紅い月が昇る夜、人狼と呼ばれる彼らの咆哮が街にこだました。人々はそこに何を見るのか・・・ ●原作:Seiron ●脚本:上月すなお ●演出:ふくろう ●キャスト:黒猫夜天、篠目ゆき、麻上美誘、 おだみ、MIO、KOTA、渡邉淳也、他 公式サイト:http://neko5.sub.jp/redmoon/



    0 Ratings

    おたまと先生のゆるいおはなし。好奇心旺盛なアラサーOLおたまが日々気になったことを先生に聞いてもらうだけの番組です(^ω^)BGM by 369



    0 Ratings

    Listen for insight on radio and its future amidst podcasts, mp3 players, satellite radio, HD Radio, streaming, and other new media.



    0 Ratings

    A podcast about movies old and new! Hosted by former video store employee Rob Kelly and a rotating cast of guests.



    0 Ratings

    FailureTV is a monthly live stream and Podcast discussing Failure with people from different industries.Subscribe to Podcast on Apple Podcasts: https://failure.tv/podcast



    0 Ratings

    Audiopodcast von Tobias Kilchoer auf BLOGMMIX.ch



    0 Ratings

    Hosted by Ryan Daly, POWER OF FISHNETS spotlights DC’s Black Canary and Zatanna, with alternating episodes focusing on the Blonde Bombshell and the Mistress of Magic!



    0 Ratings

    This is a show in which we teach all about the world of sound design, featuring world renowned sound designer, SeamlessR. We tall on all sound design topics from waveforms, to oscillators, filters, etc... The goal is to help you create your own sounds for your music!



    0 Ratings

    Gli ottantastorie Danilo Masotti e Ivo Germano stimolati da Nino Carollo di Radio Padova ci parlano degli anni 80 e da luglio li troverete anche in libreria #glianni80



    0 Ratings

    Sample tracks from the peek-a-boo album



    0 Ratings

    Sermons from St. Paul's (United Methodist Church - Kensington, Maryland)



    0 Ratings

    Ryan Daly and a rotating selection of guests read and review issues of SECRET ORIGINS, an anthology series published by DC Comics in the 1980s.



    0 Ratings


    0 Ratings

    友情とは?使命とは?絶望と希望の死の狭間で彼らが本当に守りたかったものとは・・・人間と死神が織り成すアクションファンタジードラマ。第1章のみ無料公開。●脚本・演出:黒猫夜天 ●制作:ふくろう ●キャスト:がみんぐ・麻上美誘・岩切裕晃・柴田彩花・桃月かすみ・平井裕太・MIO・他



    0 Ratings

    A Way of Life® is a weekly sermon provided by Kruispad Community Church.



    0 Ratings

    Blue Note Records serves up the history of this legendary Jazz label.



    0 Ratings

    超短編!ひまわり高校演劇・ミュージカル部を舞台にした、ドタバタ&ハイテンションストーリー! 2014年9月より、毎月1回ずつ定期配信! ●脚本:ふくろう●演出:篠目ゆき ●キャスト:桃月かすみ・アレックス・渡辺京・石村恵美、他



    -- Ratings

    オーディオドラマ制作サークル「ぽすといっと」のメンバーによる、謎のトーク&罰ゲームをかけたガチンコ対決! 負けた者には、メンバー麻上美誘のお手製鬼畜罰ゲームが施工される!今日の罰ゲームは、あの作品で主演を張ったアイツだ!?You tubeでも公開中!



    0 Ratings

    SBMC Solo Laa Khol Na

    Non ProfitAudio


    0 Ratings

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