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    Do you love shows like Survivor and Big Brother like we do? We can't wait for you to become part of our Reality TV podcast comunity!The ultimate Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino, leads the RHAP network as we bring you all of the best commentary and interviews around SURVIVOR, BIG BROTHER, THE TRAITORS, THE AMAZING RACE and much more.You won't find more comprehensive coverage around your favorite Reality TV Games than here on RHAPFollow ►Website: http://robhasawebsite.comYouTube: http://robhasawebsite.com/youtubeTwitter: https://twitter.com/RobHasApodcastInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/rhapgramsTikTok: http://tiktok.com/@RobHasAPodcastPatreon: http://robhasawebsite.com/patreon


    Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino | RHAP Productions


    12 Ratings



    We're recapping everything that happens on the Big Brother 26 live feeds on RHAP. We've got BB26 Live Feed Updates, and Interviews with former Big Brother houseguests as we discuss our favorite 24/7 reality show on Rob Has a Podcast.


    Big Brother Podcast Recaps & BB26 LIVE Feed Updates from Rob Cesternino, Taran Armstrong and more


    1 Rating



    The Big Brother casuals podcast hosted by Big Brother casuals. Brett Rader and Danielle Gibson come to you Fridays during Big Brother & Survivor to make superficial judgements about strategy, showmances, Julie Chen's wardrobe choices & Jeff Probst's delicious reading of the Applebee's menu.The rest of the year they chat about TV, movies, offscreen drama between BB contestants and more.Follow us and send in your questions on Twitter @HeyJulieBB.

    TvFilmBig Brother

    Hey Julie


    1 Rating

    Spotify for Creators



    Welcome to the home of international backstabbing. Join Lynsey and Gaz as they delve into the world of Big Brother, including coverage of BBUK (RIP!), BB23, BBAU and BBCAN9. Somebody is always watching...Email us at [email protected] to have your say!Follow us at @bbonblast on Twitter.

    Big BrotherFilmTv

    @BB_Superfan @lightupvm


    0 Ratings




    Mike from BigBrotherGossip.com, Bluesky & Twitter (@BBGossip) talks to himself, and you, about what's going on in the current season of Big Brother.

    TvFilmBig Brother

    Mike Harrington


    0 Ratings




    Big Brother is all about "expecting the unexpected", and you should expect the same from Big Brother & The Holding Company. Nobody can make fun of something like people who love it and these two will be making fun of all the ridiculousness that comes with locking people in a house for 10 weeks. Laugh along with them at the stupidity of the house guests, the stereotypes everyone plays into and the ridiculous rules that Julie Chen loves to throw at the contestants. Get updates about what you may be missing in the new system this year and hear what two dudes who have no right judging people telling you who they think should walk away with 250,000 K.

    Big BrotherComedyFilm

    Debra Kessler


    0 Ratings




    Sistah A, Sistah J, Sistah K, and Sistah LM discuss the latest episodes of the Big Brother franchise, theories raised by fans, & give opinions from a Sistah's point of view.

    TvFilmBig Brother

    Sistah Speak


    0 Ratings




    ComedyBig Brother

    Big Brother Radio Network


    0 Ratings




    We started this podcast so we could geek out over Big Brother 23 and suddenly we're chatting about that and so much more. We love competition reality TV and can't get enough! Check out our coverage of shows from Big Brother to The Challenge to Survivor. Hang live and hop in the chat!TEMPTATION ISLAND / CLAIM TO FAMEThursdays at 9:30pm EasternCatch us LIVE on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and Twitter!Hosted by some friendly Big Brother super fans, that don't discriminate.John DunphyGina MorgignoKyle Petty@StratChatPod // www.stratchatpod.com

    TvFilmBig Brother

    Strat Chat: A Reality TV Podcast


    4 Ratings

    Spotify for Creators


    We've been watching BB for 20 years and OMG JULIE YOU LOOK AMAZING! If you want your latest hot take to appear on our next episode, send a voice recording to [email protected] or call and leave a message at ‪(518) 313-6135‬.

    ArtsBig Brother

    Maya and Erik


    0 Ratings

    Spotify for Podcasters



    Big BrotherFilmTv

    Eric Curto


    0 Ratings





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