Podcast | Categories | Created By | Networks | Ratings | Hosting Provider | Hosts | # of Episodes | |||
Hi kids, if you think that animals are amazing, this is the show for you! Join host Earth Ranger Emma as she travels the world to discover the wildest animal facts out there and solve nature’s biggest mysteries. With top ten countdowns, an animal guessing game, conservation conversations, and epic animal showdowns, this is a journey you won’t want to miss!To learn more, visit earthrangers.com/podcastProduced in partnership with Gen-Z Media. For more great podcasts, visit GZMshows.com. | GZM Shows | -- | 1 Rating | Megaphone | -- | 163 | ||||
All elk, all the time, and only elk. Hunting elk is the aspirational pinnacle for most American hunters. Corey Jacobsen, 10-time World Elk Calling Champion, and Randy Newberg, long-time public land hunting advocate, have combined to lower the hurdles for aspiring elk hunters and provide insight from their combined decades of elk hunting mistakes that will give useful information to elk hunters of all experience levels. Brought to you by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and partners Sitka Gear, GOHUNT, MTN OPS, and OutdoorClass. | Elk Talk Podcast | -- | 0 Ratings | Megaphone | 177 | |||||
Terrible Lizards is a podcast about Dinosaurs with Dr David Hone and Iszi Lawrence. | Iszi Lawrence | -- | 2 Ratings | Libsyn | -- | 117 | ||||
Enhance your focus and productivity with Study Sounds! Try it now and experience the power of a carefully curated collection of sounds designed to optimize your study sessions. Click here to start studying smarter, not harder! https://www.solgood.org - Check out our ad free collection of audiobooks, short stories, & sounds for sleep | Sol Good Media | -- | 0 Ratings | Spreaker | -- | 334 | ||||
私たちのポッドキャストへようこそ。このポッドキャストでは、厳選された自然音のコレクションを通じて、睡眠・集中・リラクゼーションのための穏やかなサウンドスケープをお届けします。心を落ち着かせる葉音、静かな雨、穏やかな波、鳥のさえずりなど、各エピソードは安らかな眠りと深いリラックスのために丁寧に作られています。✨ ポッドキャストをサポートしてください ✨ → http://buymeacoffee.com/liminalspaces Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. | Pete Ingo | 0 Ratings | Acast | -- | 160 | |||||
So spannend kann Wissenschaft sein: Die beiden F.A.Z.-Redakteure, Astrophysikerin und Wissenschaftsphilosophin Sibylle Anderl und Biologe Joachim Müller-Jung, sprechen in jeder Folge des Wissenspodcasts über relevante wissenschaftliche Themen und aktuelle Studien. Sie stellen Bahnbrechendes, Nützliches, Überraschendes, Spannendes und Skurriles aus der Welt der Forschung verständlich vor. Die Bereiche reichen von Medizin und Ernährung, über Weltraum, Leben und Gene, Geist und Soziales, Erde, Wald und Klima, bis hin zu Archäologie und Altertum. Immer am Ende der Woche erscheint eine neue Episode. Alle Folgen können jederzeit auch hier angehört werden: https://www.faz.net/podcasts/f-a-z-wissen-der-podcast. Anregungen, Themenwünsche und Feedback nehmen wir gerne per E-Mail mit dem Betreff „Podcast Wissen“ an [email protected] entgegen. | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | -- | 0 Ratings | - | -- | 165 | ||||
The American Birding Podcast brings together staff and friends of the American Birding Association as we talk about birds, birding, travel and conservation in North America and beyond. Join host Nate Swick every Thursday for news and happenings, recent rarities, guests from around the birding world, and features of interest to every birder. | naswick | -- | 6 Ratings | Libsyn | 335 | |||||
La Ciencia Pop es un podcast semanal sobre historias de ciencia que está inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, editado en Chile, España y República Checa. Si te gustó, puedes aportar en mi Patreon www.patreon.com/LaCienciaPop | Gabriel León | -- | 0 Ratings | Buzzsprout | -- | 190 | ||||
Official Selection of the 2024 Tribeca Audio Festival. Selected as one of Apple Podcasts Favourites of 2024 so far.Strap on your binoculars and lace up your boots: A Field Guide to Gay Animals explores sexuality, gender, and joy in the animal world.Hosts Owen Ever and Laine Kaplan-Levenson take you on a quest to see beyond the natural world as we know it and into the natural world as it is: queer as f*ck.Homosexuality has been documented in over 1,500 species of animals. From gay geese and bisexual bison to lesbian elephant love affairs and all-male, all-whale orgies, expressions of same-sex action in the animal queendom are all around us.Owen and Laine are your intrepid guides to investigate this variety of animal behaviors – exploring the depths of the ocean, the heart of the forest, and the bushes in your backyard – to dive deep into nuanced conversations about queerness in the animal world.Cheeky and contemplative, curious and raunchy, Field Guide shows you the natural world is more exuberant, more joyful, and more gay than you could possibly imagine.Coming in June, 2024.Artwork features illustrations by John Megahan. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. | Canadaland | 8 Ratings | Acast | 24 | ||||||
Tiere können sich in einer für uns nicht wahrnehmbaren Geheimsprache über tausende von Kilometern unterhalten, sie tarnen sich mit Kot, wechseln mal rasch ihr Geschlecht, haben Frostschutzmittel im Blut und wenn es zur Paarung kommt … ach, lassen wir das. Tiere sind jedenfalls zu vielen überraschenden und oft spektakulären Dingen fähig.Nur durch Begeisterung für diese wilde Seite unserer Erde sind Menschen für Natur- und Artenschutz zu mobilisieren. Das wissen Dr. Frauke Fischer und Lydia Möcklinghoff, zwei wildnisverrückte Abenteurerinnen, studierte Zoologinnen und Expertinnen für unterhaltsame und gleichzeitig verständliche Wissenschaftskommunikation. Deshalb machen sie sich auf, den ersten lustigen, leichten, zoologischen Plauderpodcast mit bodenloser wissenschaftlicher Tiefe auf die Beine zu stellen. Am liebsten zusammen mit euch.Website: https://weltwach.de/tierisch/Ihr möchtet unsere Arbeit finanziell unterstützen? Das geht hier: https://steadyhq.com/de/tierisch Vielen Dank! STAY IN TOUCH:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weltwach/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/weltwach/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Weltwach/YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WELTWACHNewsletter: https://weltwach.de/newsletter/ Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. | Erik Lorenz | 0 Ratings | Acast | -- | 91 | |||||
Coup de pousse, c’est le nouveau podcast du ministère de la Transition écologique, de l'Energie, du Climat et de la Prévention des risques sur l’environnement et la santé des enfants qui donne aux parents de bonnes pratiques pour faire grandir leurs enfants dans un environnement sain. 🚪 Toc toc toc ! Entrez dans le quotidien de familles qui nous partagent leurs habitudes et questionnements, leurs gestes et réflexes déjà adoptés ou ceux qu’ils n’ont pas encore intégrés. En réponse aux témoignages des familles, nos expertes offrent des conseils concentrés dans un podcast pour vous faire gagner du temps, et le temps, c’est du sommeil ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations. | Ministère de la Transition écologique | 0 Ratings | Acast | -- | 4 | |||||
Join 19Keys on 'High Level Conversations', the award-winning show elevating your mindset and value. In Partnership with the Earn Your Leisure network, this is the show where thought leadership meets empowerment. Each episode features luminaries like Billy Carson and Wallstreet Trapper, exploring topics from financial literacy to future tech, emotional intelligence to wellness. Our mission is to challenge, inspire, and ignite change. Be a part of this journey to reshape narratives and elevate consciousness. Dive into our diverse and dynamic content – your platform for growth and cultural empowerment.19Keys is a visionary thinker and motivational speaker who empowers people to unlock their greatest potential. His thought leadership provides a blueprint for living life to the fullest through developing mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual mastery. As a self-made polymath and visionary, he leverages his diverse expertise across metaphysics, mindfulness, business, and technology to empower millions worldwideHaving overcome his own adversity in early life, 19Keys now shares the lessons he's learned to inspire others to transcend their circumstances and limitations. Through his businesses, books, seminars, and speaking engagements, he spreads a message of empowerment that resonates with people worldwide.19Keys is spearheading innovation in fields from technology to digital media. His award-winning show on the Earn Your Leisure (EYL) platform "High Level Conversations" is changing the culture by providing an influential platform for showcasing longform, thought-provoking dialogues. His mind for fashion and design is displayed in his crownz society brand, and he is also co-founder of Goldewater Corp, The Block World Order (BWO), and High Lvl Media as well. At the core of the 19Keys philosophy is the belief that we each have untapped gifts within us waiting to be discovered. By cultivating self-awareness, practicing intentional living, and opening our hearts, we can access our inner power to create the lives we desire.With a dynamic speaking style and sage wisdom that belies his years, 19Keys has become a leading voice in the personal growth space. His teachings blend science, spirituality, and real-world insights in a powerful formula for self-transformation.Media outlets, top businesses, and leading brands seek out 19Keys for his perspective on how we can build a better world. His uplifting message and prescriptive teachings continue to transform lives around the globe. Visit www.19KEYS.com to support and learn more. | EYL Network | -- | 0 Ratings | RedCircle | -- | 464 | ||||
BBC Countryfile Magazine brings you The Plodcast - a weekly escape to the British countryside with fascinating guests and the wonders of the great outdoors.Enjoy a new escape into the countryside every Tuesday and wind down with our Sound Escapes on a Friday.Find out more about us at www.countryfile.com/podcastSubscribe to the print version of BBC Countryfile Magazine at https://www.buysubscriptions.com/print/bbc-countryfile-magazine-subscription | Immediate Media | -- | 1 Rating | Megaphone | -- | 546 | ||||
Ciências, universidade, tecnologia, educação, cultura e atualidades, o Jornal da USP em sua versão podcast | Jornal da USP | -- | 0 Ratings | - | -- | 2988 | ||||
10 minutes pour comprendre le vivant. Dans les épisodes de ce podcast, nous tenterons d'expliquer certains concepts clés pour comprendre nos écosystèmes. Grâce à eux, il nous sera plus facile de décrypter le fonctionnement du vivant. Ainsi nous saurons où agir et où ne pas agir, pour tenter de vivre en harmonie, avec les autres formes de vie qui peuplent notre planète.Bonne écoute 🐝Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations. | Quentin Travaillé | -- | 0 Ratings | Ausha | -- | 47 | ||||
Join Ash and John from Dirt In My Shoes as we explore America’s National Parks!We’re taking you around the national parks and talking about our favorite things, fun facts, adventures, and trip planning. Expect big laughs and fantastic information as we tour the parks together. Let’s start exploring! | Dirt In My Shoes | -- | 0 Ratings | Podbean | -- | 104 | ||||
Wieso werden die Arme von Kraken einzeln von "Gehirnen" gesteuert? Wie funktioniert eigentlich ein Virus und wie war das damals mit der Entdeckung der Dinosaurier? Das und mehr erzählen euch die Schriftstellerin und Zoologin Jasmin Schreiber und der Biologe und Poetry-Slammer Lorenz Adlung!Unterstützt uns auf Steady: https://steadyhq.com/de/bugtales | Bugtales.FM | -- | 1 Rating | - | -- | 108 | ||||
The official podcast of the Santa Fe Institute. Subscribe now and be part of the exploration! | Santa Fe Institute | -- | 2 Ratings | Simplecast | -- | 120 | ||||
Hier gelangt ihr zu den Beats & Bones Festival Tickets: https://www.eventim-light.com/de/a/64cb467690db531fb09a53a3/iframe/e/666c00ef8e62fd718b487f33/Was können wir Menschen vom Sexualverhalten der Gorillas und Schimpansen lernen? Warum sind Wespen für unser Wohlbefinden so wichtig? Und warum sagt ein Vogelschiss mehr über unsere Welt als 1.000 Worte? Am Museum für Naturkunde Berlin forschen über 200 Wissenschaftler:innen und suchen die Antworten zu unseren Fragen. 30 Millionen Objekte hat das Museum, darunter das größte ausgestellte Dinosaurierskelett der Welt, der Giraffatitan brancai. Hier werden beinahe täglich neue Tierarten entdeckt, Geheimnisse um das Leben in der Tiefsee gelöst und ein Stückchen Welt dokumentiert. Was sonst im Museum hinter verschlossenen Türen passiert, bringen wir mit dem Beats & Bones Podcast ans Licht. Ein Podcast, um die Welt besser zu verstehen, ohne Schnickschnack und gefährliche Zusätze. Host Lukas Klaschinski stellt hier alle Fragen, die ihm einfallen. Warum zum Beispiel hat der Gorilla so einen kleinen Penis?Dieser Podcast wird produziert von Auf die Ohren.Weitere Informationen zum Podcast und Museum gibt es auf:[www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/beatsandbones](https://www.museumfuernaturkunde.berlin/beatsandbones) | Auf die Ohren GmbH | -- | 0 Ratings | - | 83 | |||||
Nature sounds for relaxation, stress relief, meditation, sleep, or whatever you like. Enjoy. | Sound By Nature | -- | 0 Ratings | Spotify for Creators | -- | 204 | ||||
REINGEZWITSCHERT ist der NABU Vogel-Podcast für alle, die auf Vögel fliegen! Alle 14 Tage führen euch Martin und Fabian durch die bunte Welt der Ornithologie – mit spannenden News rund um die Vogelwelt, gefiederten Fun Facts, absurdem Wissen (zum Angeben) und wertvollen Tipps für Haus, Garten und Balkon. Immer nah am Alltag und im Gegensatz zu ihren Lieblingsgeschöpfen so gar nicht abgehoben. Welcher Vogel ist dein Lieblingsvogel? Finde es heraus!___Du hast Fragen, Feedback oder Anregungen? Schreibe uns eine Mail an [email protected]. Wenn dir unser Podcast gefällt, freuen wir uns über ein Abo und deine Bewertung. Mehr Infos zum Vogelschutz findest du auf nabu.de und unseren Social Media Kanälen.___Eure Podcast-Hosts:Martin, NABU-Vogelschutzexperte. Schon als Kind verbrachte der Biologe viel Zeit in der Natur und entwickelte dabei eine besondere Faszination für Vögel. Nun arbeitet er beim NABU und setzt sich für ihren Schutz ein.Fabian, Ornithologe und Student. Setzt sich an diversen Stellen für die Vermittlung von Artenkenntnis und Artenschutz ein: als Exkursionsleiter in der Uni Münster, in der Umweltpädagogik beim Naturkundemuseum und NABU (bzw. der NAJU) oder als Autor von Vogeltexten bei einer Firma für Naturapps (Sunbirds). Natürlich wird auch in der Freizeit gebirdet!___REINGEZWITSCHERT wird produziert von PANORAMA3000. | NABU | -- | 0 Ratings | - | -- | 45 | ||||
Another World Is Possible. The old paradigm is breaking apart. The new one is still not fully shaped. We have the power of gods to destroy our home. But we also have the chance to become something we cannot yet imagine,and by doing so, to transform the nature of ourselves – and all humanity.Accidental Gods is a podcast and membership program devoted to exploring the ways we can create a future that we would be proud to leave to the generations yet to come.If we're going to emerge into a just, equitable - and above all regenerative - future, we need to get to know the people who are already living, working, thinking and believing at the leading edge of inter-becoming transformation.Accidental Gods exists to bring these voices to the world so that we can work together to lay the foundations of a world we'd be proud to leave to the generations that come after us. We have the choice now - we can choose to transform…or we can face the chaos of a failing system. Our Choice. Our Chance. Our Future. Find the membership and the podcast pages here: https://accidentalgods.lifeFind Manda's Thrutopian novel, Any Human Power here: https://mandascott.co.ukFind Manda on BlueSky @mandascott.bsky.socialOn LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/mandascottauthor/On FaceBook https://www.facebook.com/MandaScottAuthor | Manda Scott | -- | 0 Ratings | Transistor | -- | 302 | ||||
A podcast devoted to the wonderful world of fungi. Our eclectic show covers fungi in health & wellness, technology, science, culture and more. Welcome to the Mushroom Revival. | Alex Dorr | -- | 3 Ratings | Buzzsprout | -- | 231 | ||||
We get it. You care about the climate crisis—but sometimes thinking about it is just too overwhelming. Well, we’re here to help with that. Host Dan Kwartler unpacks the problems and solutions behind big systemic issues in bite-sized episodes. You’ll find out which bag is best for the planet, imagine our world without humans, and follow the international journey of the very shirt on your back. Yes, we’re going to talk about the bleak stuff—it’s a crisis after all—but we’ll also share little ways you can make changes in your daily life, in your towns and cities, and at your workplaces to help change climate change. Ultimately we’re aiming for some HOPE through a focus on solutions, instead of just, you know, tumbling towards inevitable doom. You can also get involved by joining Countdown, TED’s global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis in collaboration with Future Stewards. Find out more at countdown.ted.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. | TED | 0 Ratings | Acast | -- | 64 | |||||
Introducing Gardening Simplified, a new radio show and podcast from Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs.Hosted by life-long gardeners Rick Vuyst and Stacey Hirvela, the Gardening Simplified show is designed to share our love of plants and gardening. Whatever your skill or experience level, you’ll find something interesting, useful, and just plain fascinating in every episode. | Newsradio WOOD 1300 and 106.9 FM (WOOD-AM) | 0 Ratings | Spreaker | -- | 128 |
Podchaser is the ultimate destination for podcast data, search, and discovery. Learn More