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Øystein Runde

Øystein Runde

Øystein RundeØystein Runde
Øystein Runde

Øystein Runde

Øystein Runde (born December 14, 1979 in Ulsteinvik) is a Norwegian comics writer and comics artist. Runde, Kristopher Schau and Frode Hanssen published the weekly science/humor podcast 80% from 2019 to 2020, after its end in october 2020 when Schau moved to Drammen, Runde started an english-language science podcast called Wunderdog, where he talks to "the scientists behind the ideas". Guests so far have been professor Philip Lubin who invented the concept for Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milners "Breakthrough starshot" laser, professor Robin Hanson who invented the term "The Great Filter" and wrote Age of Em about mind uploads, doctor Cynthia Phillips from NASA, staff scientist for the Europa Clipper project.
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Creator Details

Dec 14th, 1979
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
5h, 35m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 398828
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