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Andrés Barrios Rubio

Andrés Barrios Rubio

Creator Profile
Andrés Barrios Rubio

Andrés Barrios Rubio

Andrés Barrios Rubio

Andrés Barrios Rubio

Creator Profile
Professional, researcher in the field of media and new information and communication technologies "ICT" bringing 20 years of experience. Trained to work in the different fields of communication with behavioral competencies and managerial skills. Hardworking and reliable with entrepreneurial spirit and passion for developing and reporting engaging content. The research activity currently focuses on the use of social networks as a space for interculturality in the case of young people, the impact of ICT on the training of communicators, and on the analysis of synergies between the on air and online in the Colombian radio industry; topics that my academic publications are about. Versed in writing and editing for multiple digital media platforms, social media, and online platforms.
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