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Colleen Thomas

Colleen Thomas

Colleen Thomas

Colleen Thomas

Colleen Thomas has a passion for radio, sound mixing, and acoustics that traces back to the radio shows she recorded with her grandfather when she was 6 or 7 - a time when she was often found walking around with a tape recorder in her hand.She gained modest experience as a radio host, interviewer, and sound board operator at WCWS. Recently, she has begun to connect with the world of independent audio producers and recording engineers through Women’s Audio Mission, the Association of Independents in Radio, and the Audio Engineering Society.
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Creator Details

San Francisco, California, United States of America
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
1d, 21h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 382299
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This is a podcast creator profile for Colleen Thomas. This page showcases all of Colleen Thomas' podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Colleen Thomas' new podcast credits.

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