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Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis

Creator Profile
Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis

Courtney Davis

Creator Profile
Courtney Davis is a writer, director, and actor from Austin, TX. She got her MFA in Film Production at the University of Texas at Austin, where she wrote and directed a bunch of funny shorts, including Milton is a Shitbag, an animated comedy about her racist cat. After moving to Los Angeles, she found a home at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater, where she has worked on numerous shows, including writing for the long-running house sketch team Up, Up, Up! and directing the house team Bonafide. She has also worked as a writer for Funny or Die, Comedy Central, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, and various streaming shows that you will probably never see. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, 2-year-old, dog, and two cats.
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Courtney Davis' Creator Profile

This is a podcast creator profile for Courtney Davis. This page showcases all of Courtney Davis' podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Courtney Davis' new podcast credits.

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