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Catherine Steiner-Adair

Catherine Steiner-Adair

Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair is a clinical psychologist, school consultant, author, and teacher whose profession is working with children, parents, and schools. She is known for her book, "The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age."Steiner-Adair is currently an Associate Psychologist at McLean Hospital and Clinical Instructor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. She also has a private psychotherapy practice.Steiner-Adair's clinical work and research focuses on girls’ development and the understanding, treating, and preventing eating disorders.Steiner-Adair received her B.A. in Philosophy and English from Bowdoin College, and her Ed.D. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
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Episode Count
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Total Airtime
7h, 30m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 377026
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This is a podcast creator profile for Catherine Steiner-Adair. This page showcases all of Catherine Steiner-Adair's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Catherine Steiner-Adair's new podcast credits.

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