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Fred Armisen

Fred Armisen

Fred ArmisenFred Armisen
Fred Armisen

Fred Armisen

Fred Armisen, born December 4, 1966, is an American actor, comedian, writer, producer, and musician known for his versatile and eclectic performances. He rose to fame as a cast member on "Saturday Night Live" (2002-2013), where his wide range of impressions and characters made him a standout. Armisen co-created and starred in the acclaimed sketch comedy series "Portlandia" (2011-2018), which earned him a Peabody Award and multiple Emmy nominations. He has also appeared in various television shows and films, including "Documentary Now!" and "Forever." Armisen is a talented musician, serving as the bandleader for the "Late Night with Seth Meyers" house band, The 8G Band. His contributions to comedy and entertainment are celebrated for their originality and impact.
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Creator Details

Dec 4th, 1966
Episode Count
Podcast Count
Total Airtime
1d, 22h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 636676
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Fred Armisen's Creator Profile

This is a podcast creator profile for Fred Armisen. This page showcases all of Fred Armisen's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Fred Armisen's new podcast credits.

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