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Holly Prazoff

Holly Prazoff

Holly is a professional comedian from Canada who has re-located to Los Angeles. And she is ready for anything, TRUST!Holly has always been funny. She attended the Humber School of Comedy and graduated with honors, receiving the academic achievement award. Holly also was a founding member of “The Sketchersons.” Their show “Sunday Night Live,” has been running for over six years and has been nominated for 6 Canadian Comedy Awards. In 2007, they won for Funniest Sketch Troupe. In 2007, Holly was also named “Toronto’s Best Trash Talker” by MTV Canada, after winning the Canadian version of “Yo Mamma!” Holly also attended the 2008 Sundance Film Festival, where she starred in the short film "The Funeral.".In 2006, Holly was asked to join the Second City National Touring Company. You can also catch Holly performing with her best friends Inessa Frantowski and Rebecca Addelman, HIR, who have performed all over Canada as well as at The 2007 Los Angeles Comedy Festival. In 2009, you saw Holly on “Howie Do It,” Howie Mandels’s new hidden camera show on NBC. Or check her out on “Hotboxx” a new sketch show for “The Comedy Network.” And now catch Hollyand Rebecca at Upright Citizen's Brigade in "The Holly and Rebecca Show."
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Episode Count
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Total Airtime
2h, 21m
Podchaser Creator ID logo 468891
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Holly Prazoff's Creator Profile

This is a podcast creator profile for Holly Prazoff. This page showcases all of Holly Prazoff's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Holly Prazoff's new podcast credits.

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