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Karina Gutiérrez

Karina Gutiérrez

Creator Profile
Karina Gutiérrez

Karina Gutiérrez

Karina Gutiérrez

Karina Gutiérrez

Creator Profile
Karina Gutiérrez's work and expertise concentrate on the intersection of politics and performance, more specifically how digital interventions, institutionalization efforts, and historical narrative affect the development and sustainability of social and politically engaged performance companies and collectives in the Americas. In addition to her scholarship, Gutiérrez is a Bay Area-based actor, director, and dramaturg. Karina is an advocate for Latinx/Chicanx representation in the arts and is a co-founder of BALTAN, the Bay Area Latino Theatre Alliance Network.
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Karina Gutiérrez's Creator Profile

This is a podcast creator profile for Karina Gutiérrez. This page showcases all of Karina Gutiérrez's podcast credits and appearances such as hosted episodes, guest interviews, and behind-the-scenes work. You can follow this profile to get notifications of Karina Gutiérrez's new podcast credits.

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