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L. T. Wright, III

L. T. Wright, III

L. T. Wright, III

L. T. Wright, III

L.T. Wright has always been interested in knives. The first knife he made was a kit knife that he put together for his father as a Christmas present. L.T.’s father took the knife to work to show his friends and came home with orders for more knives. L.T. used the money from those knives to buy his first grinder, which he still uses today. He bought the grinder from a knife maker named R.W. Wilson, who had built it. He met R.W. at a gun and knife show. R.W was soon teaching L.T. how to make knives. He taught L.T. not only how to make knives, but also how to sell them. L.T. began taking his knives to shows and used his earnings to buy better machines and additional materials. He eventually decided to take the leap and quit his full-time job at a stair shop to make knives for a living. He built his own web site, participated on forums, and went to knife shows. This helped him build up a loyal customer base.
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Creator Details

Oct 8th, 1964
Wintersville, Ohio, United States of America
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
1d, 17h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 120306
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