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Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor

Host & Producer of The Editor's Cut & Braaains
Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor

Host & Producer of The Editor's Cut & Braaains
Sarah Taylor is a multi-award-winning editor with over twenty years of experience. She has cut a wide range of documentaries, television programs, shorts, and feature films. Sarah strives to help shape unique stories from unheard voices. Her work has been seen in festivals around the world including Sundance, Tribeca, Hot Docs, TIFF, and ImagiNative Film Festival. Sarah takes her passion for editing beyond the edit suite by moderating panels and mentoring new editors. She has led panels at events such as the Calgary International Film Festival, NorthWest Fest, and EditCon. Sarah is a member of the Directors Guild of Canada (DGC), and is the host of the CCE podcast The Editor’s Cut, and Braaains Podcast.
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Creator Details

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Episode Count
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Total Airtime
5d, 15h
Podchaser Creator ID logo 202804
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