Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a missionary?We interview missionaries and church planters from around the world. They share their stories of God’s faithfulness, how they got started, and why they continue in ministry. You will be inspired by their passion for Jesus and challenged to grow as a follower of Christ.Whether you feel called overseas or down the street, this show will challenge you to grow as a follower of Christ and inspire you to take action so that together we may reveal God’s heart through our lives. Click here now!Click the link right now and listen on your favorite podcast app!This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacyBlubrry - https://create.blubrry.com/resources/about-blubrry/privacy-policy... more
Encouragement, equipping and resources for missions advocates just like you. We long to see every disciple of Jesus find their role in the Great Commission. Missions advocates (missions mobilizers) play a crucial role in helping other believers to get involved in missions. Tune in for principles, and best practices that can help both individuals and whole communities become more engaged with reaching the least, the last and the lost.... more
Crescent Project Radio is a podcast about God's miraculous movement in the Muslim world. Through testimonies from former Muslims and interviews with ministry leaders, authors, experts, and ordinary Christians following Jesus' call to the lost, we hope to inspire and equip the body of Christ to effectively share the hope of Christ with Muslims.... more
Welcome to The Voice of the Martyrs Radio Network! Join host Todd Nettleton each week as we share testimonies of brothers and sisters suffering for their faith in Christ. The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that offers practical and spiritual help to persecuted Christians around the world.... more
From the Forefront, interviews with those on the front lines of Christian missions and ministry. Learn about leadership, life lessons, and more with the monthly, long form podcast brought to you by the creators of the Leadership Moment Podcast, FXMissions.... more
Caleb Suko talks about how the Gospel shapes our lives and changes the way we live in in the world today. How can we effectively do evangelism and discipleship in a world that is busy, distracted, and sometimes hostile to the message of Jesus Christ. He also shares news about life and ministry in Ukraine.Caleb Suko and his family serve as missionaries in Odessa, Ukraine. https://sukofamily.org... more
What does No Place Left mean? Can my church start a movement that would cause the gospel to reach every corner of my city? Can I?Join Peter Lindell (Pheaney) as he explores the answers to these questions. We'll interview guests that are pursuing movement, share skills and tools you can put into practice, and always include awesome stories of God at work.Season rundown:Season 1 - Overview of No Place Left and the Four FieldsSeason 2 - Covocational Kingdom WorkersSeason 3 - Movement LeadersSeason 4 - Simple ChurchesSeason 5 - Legacy ChurchesSeason 6 - Mindset Shifts & More pheaney.substack.com... more
Ephesiology [n. ih·fē·zē·äləʒē]: The Study of the Ephesian Movement Studying the Christian Movement in Ephesus is a community conversation about the most significant church-planting movement in the early church, with 40 percent of the New Testament texts relating to it. What made that city the epicenter of the movement? And how can we replicate sustained movements in a world that feels so different? This is not another methodology or attempt to re-contextualize evangelicalism. Rather, it is a look at the story of how the Holy Spirit still changes lives, cities, and the world.... more
This is a show dedicated to Missionaries and why they leave the comfort of their homes and go to the unknown and serve.Each episode, Cj talks to Missionaries about the experiences in the Mission field and their reasons for doing what they are doing or what they did. Do you have a story or know a missionary that has a great story to share, then please send me an email with details to: [email protected].... more
The Gospel Mobilization Podcast is a resource for Christian leaders who want to increase the number of missionaries around the world. Our goal is to equip and encourage missions mobilizers and missions pastors for greater Kingdom impact.This podcast is a ministry of Gospel Mobilization. Visit us online at gospelmobilization.org... more
The heart behind the Mission Leaders Podcast is to provide opportunities for those leading teams, organizations, and ministries with the resources and connections to help them maximize their impact worldwide. Travel Management, Mission Management, building your team, and most of all -- serving WELL!Made with Auxbus.com... more