Jayne Nakata, resident of Japan, creator of the award winning PodLaunch with Jayne, a system for creating and maintaining the podcast you always wanted, shares her learning and interviews women from all walks of life, making it work on their terms. 日本に住んでいる女性のため、No.1ポッドキャスト!中田ジェーン、ニュージーランド出身、2002年から福島県在住。ポッドキャスター、ポッド...
I’m Catherine, the host of Lawyer on Air, the #1 podcast for legal careers in Japan. In each episode, I bring you award-winning insights and inspirational inside stories about working in law as a woman in Japan.Whether you’re dreaming of a career here or already practicing, this is your go-to guide for finding your pl...
You’ve probably heard of the Japanese concept of “Ikigai” but are wondering how you can successfully apply it to your life. How do you start living a life of purpose, jumping out of bed, excited to face the day? Join the Tokyo based, British born facilitator and coach, Jennifer Shinkai and her guests to hear real-life...
Welcome to "Diversity Rocks Innovation!" with Dr. Jackie F. Steele, CEO of enjoi D&I consulting, This show serves to highlight the benefits of collegial sharing of expertise, experiences and worldviews, and the current opportunities for fostering innovation and solidarity-building across a variety of industries and co...
Japan is one of the most interesting places to travel and live, but it can be confusing and difficult too. In each episode Christy, an American Mom of three and long time resident will take you on a deep dive of Japanese culture and everyday life in rural Japan. This show is for anyone who will be travelling to, or liv...
A project that started in mid 2019 but had been on the radar for many years. Not interested in surface tales of business or cliches of life, I have carefully selected a group of people to bring the richness of their lives to the table with incredible frankness and depth. Each is successful in their own way, have built...
Seek Sustainable Japan is a positive view of sustainable Japan through discussions with "Good People Doing Great Things" as a way to share ideas worth preserving and building on. Everything from community building to Japanese culture, art, crafts, trades, reuse & renovation, farming, entrepreneurship, sustainable busin...
The Business Karaoke Podcast is both a podcast but a community of global leaders who exchange stories to modernize the dialogue around business in and with Japan. The Business Karaoke Podcast is sponsored by Design Thinking Japan.
12年間の海外生活から戻ったナビゲーターのAccoが、「サステナブル」「グローバル」「SDGs」をキーワードに、日本そして世界で自分らしく活躍されている方々をご紹介しながら、聴くだけで元気になれるエピソードをお届けします。昨日よりちょっと誇れる自分に。Do you want to live the life you love? Then, this is the right podcast for you. Our host, Acco brings inspiring guests to share tips to step out of your comfort zone, and to make a difference t...