"Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" is a limited series on Netflix created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. The series chronicles Dahmer's 17 murders, his arrest, and his prosecution. "Monster" aired on Sept. 23, 2022, and has drawn criticism because of the systemic racism that allowed Dahmer to continue killing primarily Black and brown men. The limited series also sparked controversy because it was tagged under "LGBTQ" content when it rolled out. However, due to the backlash, Netflix removed the tag. To get a more rounded view of Jeffrey Dahmer and to hear other voices critique the series and share their version of what really happened, here's a curated list of Jeffrey Dahmer episodes ranked by Power Score, Insider's proprietary metric for calculating a podcast's reach and impact, available through Podchaser Pro. Listen with caution. Some of these episodes are incredibly graphic.