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Provoke.fm Media is a global podcasting and media network. From the world’s number one global Fintech podcast and radio show, Breaking Banks, to the world’s number one Futurist-focused podcast, The Futurists, Provoke dominates the global audience across multiple sectors.Our hosts have real world experience as entrepreneurs, authors, analysts, researchers, coders, investors, senior executives, and founders. They have a combined 250+ years of experience in industry, innovation, and high tech. We consistently interview those at the top of their field and those breaking new ground to shed light on the shifts in technology and financial services that are impacting our lives. Previous guests on Provoke Media’s podcasts include Bill Gates, Boris Johnson, Elon Musk, Peter Diamandis, Aubrey De Grey, Ramez Naam, Stephen Wolfram, Tim O’Rielly, Kevin J Anderson, David Brin, Thomas Frey, Dan Schulman, and many more.It all started in 2013 with the Breaking Banks podcast, created by fintech entrepreneur and bestselling author Brett King. Noted fintech and innovation experts Jason Henrichs and JP Nicols joined the team as regular hosts and co-executive producers alongside Brett, plus the best team of expert guest hosts and contributors in the business. Today Breaking Banks is the #1 global fintech radio show and podcast, With an audience of over 10 million listeners in nearly 180 countries.It’s also the longest running weekly podcast in #Fintech. The Futurists, just in its first year, is already topping the iTunes and Spotify lists for the “Futurists” category.Provoke.fm Media was built on this success to bring more voices, more viewpoints, and more unique shows to this rapidly changing environment in financial services and fintech. ...More

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