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2old2type Episode 217: G.U.I. Ep. 1: That's a Fact, Jack

2old2type Episode 217: G.U.I. Ep. 1: That's a Fact, Jack

Released Wednesday, 28th November 2012
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2old2type Episode 217: G.U.I. Ep. 1: That's a Fact, Jack

2old2type Episode 217: G.U.I. Ep. 1: That's a Fact, Jack

2old2type Episode 217: G.U.I. Ep. 1: That's a Fact, Jack

2old2type Episode 217: G.U.I. Ep. 1: That's a Fact, Jack

Wednesday, 28th November 2012
Good episode? Give it some love!
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Join Derek 'DSmooth' Nolan and Derrick 'Codemonkey' Schommer on their premiere episode of Gaming Under the Influence. The duo covers gaming news, this weeks' new releases and handle a bunch of listener feedback, all through their unique adult prism. This is the only gaming podcast you'll ever need! You can always call the boys at (773) 527-2961 and weigh in yourself...image
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