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6: Nadine Hays Pisani - Happier Than A Billionaire

6: Nadine Hays Pisani - Happier Than A Billionaire

Released Thursday, 22nd October 2015
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6: Nadine Hays Pisani - Happier Than A Billionaire

6: Nadine Hays Pisani - Happier Than A Billionaire

6: Nadine Hays Pisani - Happier Than A Billionaire

6: Nadine Hays Pisani - Happier Than A Billionaire

Thursday, 22nd October 2015
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Nadine Hays Pisani is the author of the Happier Than A Billionaire series. The third book Happier Than A Billionaire: The Escape Manual has just been released and is the "how to" on moving to Costa Rica. Nadine is originally from Linden, New Jersey, a town known for it's Exxon refinery. Despite the high levels of benzene fumes and occasional toxic spills, Nadine had a wonderful childhood and has no apparent side effects from the pollution. She eventually became a chiropractor (as did her husband), took out a hundred thousand dollars in student loans, only to later realize that she would much rather swing in a hammock than spend twelve hours a day in an office. She is currently working on her reality show, Building Up an Appetite. You can find it on her Youtube channel: youtube.com/happierwithless

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