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Acupuncturist On Fire

AJ Adamczyk

Acupuncturist On Fire

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Acupuncturist On Fire

AJ Adamczyk

Acupuncturist On Fire

Acupuncturist On Fire

AJ Adamczyk

Acupuncturist On Fire

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AJ is one of those people who is hungry for knowledge about topics that interest him. Being an Acupuncturist , he is constantly seeking out information about acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, nutrition, and all things that being an Acupuncturist encompasses. Knowledge is power that can help him heal his patients while at the same time grow and perfect his business.There are many sources of information that AJ turns to in order to continue learning and growing. He reads books, attends seminars, reads articles in magazines and on the Internet, listens to podcasts, and reaches out to other Acupuncturists to pick their brains.AJ had his AH-HA moment recently in the middle of a conversation with a very knowledgable and wise Acupuncturist who had been practicing for many years. He realized that the knowledge from this man, as well as many other equally as knowledgeable Acupuncturists, could benefit other Acupuncturists and Acupuncture students. There are many great podcasts out there, but none that offer ongoing education for Acupuncturists.AJ knew that he loved listening to interviews, and how other Acupuncturists had succeeded in their niche. A concept of what he considered a perfect show began to form. A show that would inspire acupuncturists to be the best that they can be………a website and podcasts based on these interviews.Acupuncturist On Fire was born………
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Podcast Details

Created by
AJ Adamczyk
Podcast Status
Apr 30th, 2015
Latest Episode
May 11th, 2017
Release Period
2 per week
Avg. Episode Length
41 minutes

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