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Bonus: The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

Bonus: The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

BonusReleased Friday, 28th May 2021
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Bonus: The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

Bonus: The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

Bonus: The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

Bonus: The Promise and Pitfalls of AI

BonusFriday, 28th May 2021
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This is an episode of another WHYY podcast called The Pulse. In a lot of ways, artificial intelligence acts as our personal butlers — it filters our email, manages the temperature in our homes, finds the best commute, shapes our social media, runs our search engines, even flies our planes. But as AI gets involved in more and more aspects of our lives, there are nagging fears. Will AI replace us? Make humans irrelevant? Make some kind of terrible mistake, or even take over the world? On this episode, we hear from scientists and thinkers who argue that we should look at AI not as a threat or competition, but as an extension of our minds and abilities. They explain what AI is good at, and where humans have the upper hand. We look at AI in three different settings: medicine, work, and warfare, asking how it affects our present — and how it could shape our future.

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