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American Freethought Podcast

American Freethought

American Freethought Podcast

A daily Society, Culture and Religion podcast

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American Freethought Podcast

American Freethought

American Freethought Podcast

American Freethought Podcast

American Freethought

American Freethought Podcast

A daily Society, Culture and Religion podcast
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May 29th, 2023
I interview Ryan Cragun, co-author of Beyond Doubt: The Secularization of Society, a new book that makes a compelling argument that secularization has indeed been happening, both in the United States and around the world. You can buy a copy of Beyond Doubt for yourself. Theme music courtesy of Body Found. Follow Americ...
Mar 25th, 2023
I interview Matt Johnson, whose new book How Hitchens Can Save the Left argues that the late Christopher Hitchens's staunch defense of classical liberalism is still useful, even 11 years after his death, in helping the American Left to resist some of its more illiberal tendencies. Buy a copy of How Hitchens Can Save th...
Feb 27th, 2023
I interview Joseph Monninger, a college professor and novelist who discovered, only three days after his retirement, that he had terminal lung cancer and likely only months to live. His memoir Goodbye to Clocks Ticking is a heartfelt, humanistic account of facing death and processing an unexpected reprieve. Buy a copy ...
Jan 2nd, 2023
I interview Bradley Onishi, cohost of the Straight White American Jesus podcast, and author of the new book Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism—And What Comes Next. It's a terrifying look at the recent history of Christian nationalism and evangelical support for anti-democratic ideas...
Dec 18th, 2022
I interview Daniel Sokatch, CEO of the New Israel Fund and author of Can We Talk about Israel? A Guide for the Curious, Confused, and Conflicted. Buy a copy of Can We Talk about Israel? for yourself. For more about the New Israel Fund, visit NIF.org. Theme music courtesy of Body Found. Follow American Freethought on th...
Dec 7th, 2022
I interview Emily Dreyfuss, co-author (with Dr. Joan Donovan and Brian Friedberg) of Meme Wars: The Untold Story of the Online Battles Upending Democracy in America. Buy a copy of Meme Wars for yourself. Theme music courtesy of Body Found. Follow American Freethought on the intertubes: Website: AmericanFreethought.com ...
Oct 27th, 2022
With less than two weeks to go before the midterms, I talk with David A. Hollinger, history professor at the University of California, Berkley, and author of Christianity's American Fate: How Religion Became More Conservative and Society More Secular. This timely new book explores how, while American culture remains ov...
Jul 3rd, 2022
For this special episode, I'm joined by podcast co-founder and co-host emeritus David Driscoll. We talk about the recent disastrous Supreme Court rulings (Carson v Makin, Kennedy v Bremerton, and Dobbs v Jackson); the ramifications of the House Select Committee on the events of January 6, 2021; and possible Constitutio...
May 30th, 2022
I interview Nadya Dutchin, the new Executive Director of the American Humanist Association. Our wide-ranging discussion includes her plans and hopes for the AHA; reaction to the gun massacres in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX; raising secular kids in the current social and political climate; the effect of the newly conserv...
May 11th, 2022
I speak to two members of the leadership of the Association of Secular Elected Officials (ASEO), a new organization devoted to helping elected officials be authentic about their beliefs and ethics, and providing a forum for elected officials to connect with each other for education, support and fellowship. Leonard Pres...
Apr 29th, 2022
I interview Christopher M. Finan, Executive Director of the National Coalition Against Censorship, and author of the new book How Free Speech Saved Democracy: The Untold History of How the First Amendment Became an Essential Tool for Securing Liberty and Social Justice.  Buy a copy of How Free Speech Saved Democracy fo...
Apr 1st, 2022
I interview Kevin Bolling, Executive Director of the Secular Student Alliance, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to educate high school and college students about the value of scientific reason and the intellectual basis of secularism in its atheistic and humanistic manifestations. We talk about how SSA was af...
Mar 15th, 2022
I interview Andrew Fiala about his new book Tyranny from Plato to Trump: Fools, Sycophants, and Citizens. It's an exploration of the psychological and social dynamics involving tyrants and would-be tyrants, their enablers, and the mobs who cheer them on. For more about Andrew visit AndrewFiala.com. Buy a copy of Tyrann...
Dec 28th, 2021
I interview Crawford Gribben, author of The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland, a fascinating history of the island from the late Roman Era through the rapid secularization of the 21st century. Buy a copy of The Rise and Fall of Christian Ireland for yourself! Follow Crawford on Twitter @GribbenC. Theme music courtesy ...
Dec 14th, 2021
On the tenth anniversary of the death of Christopher Hitchens, I talk with philosophy professor and fellow podcaster Ben Burgis about his new book Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters. Buy a copy of Ben's book Christopher Hitchens for yourself. For more about Ben visit Be...
Nov 30th, 2021
From Pepe the Frog to the kidding-not-kidding white power hand sign, conservatives are increasingly using "humor" and weird "inside jokes" to spread hate-speech, bigotry, and violent threats. The latest tiresome fad is the phrase "Let's Go Brandon," which is a not-so-thinly-veiled substitute for the more blunt "Fuck Jo...
Nov 16th, 2021
I interview Duquesne law professor Bruce Ledewitz about his new book The Universe Is on Our Side: Restoring Faith in American Public Life. Bruce is a secularist who nonetheless proposes that the current societal crisis in America (and perhaps the entire Western world) is rooted in the aftermath of what Neitzsche called...
Nov 2nd, 2021
I interview David G. McAfee about his new book Hi, I'm an Atheist!: What That Means and How to Talk About It with Others. Buy a copy of Hi, I'm an Atheist! for yourself. For more about David, follow him on Facebook. Theme music courtesy of Body Found. Follow American Freethought on the intertubes: Website: AmericanFree...
Oct 19th, 2021
I interview Leigh Eric Schmidt, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis, and author of The Church of Saint Thomas Paine: A Religious History of American Secularism, which looks at the struggles of 19th century freethinkers to define themselves in contrast to traditional religion and traditional religious orga...
Oct 5th, 2021
I interview philosopher and author Thomas Cathcart about his new book There Is No God and Mary Is His Mother, a thought-provoking exploration aimed at ex-Christians and even atheists, which asks whether Christianity can be credible, meaningful, and practical absent the traditional theological formulas and doctrines. Bu...
Sep 19th, 2021
I interview award-winning popular science writer Mary Roach about her new book Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law. It's a humorous look at the serious topic of human-animal conflict in an age of exploding population and global warming. Buy your very own copy of Fuzz. For more about Mary and her work visit MaryRoach.net. ...
Sep 5th, 2021
I interview Harvard Professor Jennifer Hochschild about her new book Genomic Politics: How the Revolution in Genomic Science Is Shaping American Society. To buy a copy of Genomic Politics, click here. Plus: America is finally out of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, the chaotic end to US withdrawal will be an ongoing politic...
Aug 22nd, 2021
I interview Dr. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr. about his new book Christians Against Christianity, a scathing rebuke from a progressive Christian perspective against how (white) conservative Christians pursue political power while ignoring the central teachings of Jesus regarding love, mercy, tolerance, and justice. Plus: It ...
Aug 8th, 2021
I interview Representative Jared Huffman (Democrat representing California's 2nd District), co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Freethought Caucus. We talk about the origins, purpose, and recent activity of the Freethought Caucus; about perennial issues (like the national motto, the Pledge of Allegiance, legis...
Jul 25th, 2021
I interview John V. Petrocelli, Professor of Psychology at Wake Forest University, about his new book The Life-Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit. What exactly is bullshit, and how does it differ from a lie? Why do people bullshit? And how can we become better at identifying and countering bullshit? These are all i...
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