Ein Gespräch mit Franz Damm, Geschäftsführer Uniola GmbH und Vizepräsident der BYAK sowie Mario Mirbach, Geschäftsführer Pure Gruppe und Mitglied der Ad-Hoc-Gruppe KI der BundesarchitektenkammerNicht selten entsteht der Eindruck, dass die Architektenkammern der einzelnen Bundesländer, aber auch die Bundesarchitektenka... more
Der Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Brownfield Verbands (DEBV) und der All-in-One-Plattform Brownfield 24 gibt uns unter anderem Einblicke die Welt der Brownfields, was deren Möglichkeiten sind, wie sie mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz entdeckt und verifiziert werden können und wie sie in das neue KI gestützte gewerbliche... more
Was tun, wenn bei Bestandgebäuden die Baupläne fehlen? Das ist eine von vielen Fragen in der so wichtigen Thematik von Sanierungen bestehender Gebäude - ob vollständig oder nicht, die ich mit meinem Gast Lars Beckmann beleuchten werde.
LAVA Architekten verkörpert einerseits ein klassisches Architekturbüro mit Sitz in Berlin, Stuttgart, Sidney und Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt. Das Team blickt aber eben auch über den Tellerrand hinaus und macht sich um die digitale Transformation in ihrer Profession viele Gedanken. Dazu gehört unter anderem das Metaverse. Über E... more
ChatGPT der Büroflächenplanung - so lautet der Titel des Podcast mit dem Architekten und Gründer von Brickbyte. Das Proptech, dass nun zu Savills gehört, löst ein gravierendes Problem. Der Wandel in der Arbeitswelt fordert von Unternehmen ein neues Denken, auch hinsichtlich Kostensenkung und Reduktion von Flächenineffi... more
Die Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft ist der größte Verschmutzer unserer Umwelt. Was wir dagegen tun können und welchen Stellenwert die Künstliche Intelligenz dabei einnimmt, wie sich zukünftige Gebäude entwickeln werden und welchen Aufgaben und Veränderungen auf Architekten warten, das besprechen wir in ausführlichen 70 ... more
In this episode, we talk about the opportunities that programming and automation reveal to our profession for design and planning work, and why it's increasingly necessary for all architects, planners and BIM professionals to engage with it.Yashar also explains to us what solutions the Coding & Automation School offer... more
The partnership between the architecture firm CSMM and the start-up Spaciv is forward-looking. Today, an intelligent space utilization system is essential for the design of modern and sustainable workspaces. In this one-hour interview, you can find out how architecture and intelligent data structures are driving this p... more
How do I find a BIM employee?A former Google manager and an expert from the real estate industry found a marketplace to manage BIM experts and to recommend the right BIM expert for requesting companies and planning professions and to secure the project.
Rene Weber describes himself as an expert in spatial change processes. Not only that, he is also the managing director of Room.Building.Partner. With his team, he is developing software to break down visual barriers and revolutionize the digital marketing of furnishings, architecture, interior design and design.
The Corona Pandemic accelerated the problem of the death of urban areas. Dr. Stüber and her research team want to prevent this. They are working on a tool for vacancy and settlement management in inner cities. It's a challenge that requires a lot of technology, AI, algorithms, data, and more. How exactly it works, who ... more
The architect couple Brückner has a passion for digitalization, artificial intelligence and parametric design. Above all, however, they cultivate an Italian way of life according to which everyone is welcome. In a conversation guided by their self-designed house in Oberaudorf, they explain which tools are used for succ... more
brand eins is one of Germany's most popular business magazines, integrating topics from the creative scene. With the head of brand eins Media AG, I discuss not only the opportunities and problems of publishers in general, it's primarily about our focus of future topics and digitization and what the architectural world ... more
"When I'm dead, we can talk about it", Prof. Dr. Beyerle.What will the city of the future look like? In an interview with Prof. Dr. Thomas Beyerle, we find out why he is a fan of the 15-minute city model, look to Seoul for the concept of a 10-minute city, planned by the architecture firm UNStudio, and what is needed f... more
The city of Hamburg will expand the inner city by 40 percent on a total of 158 hectares of the former port area. Ten quarters are to be built there. Of these, Lothar Schubert, together with his partner companies, is responsible for the be Strandkai and the KPTN, with a total volume of more than half a billion euros. H... more
One thing the architect and university professor for design and conception at the University of Artistic Design in Linz, Peter Haimerl, is definitely not: conventional and foreseeable! He surprises with his progressive way of thinking and gives a clear refusal to the so arbitrary structural monotony. Moreover, the year... more
Floods caused by heavy rainfall are also taking on drastic dimensions in Germany. The year 2021 brought this fact to us once again. architekturdesigner.XR therefore spoke with Jochen Kurrle, who works as a heavy rainfall manager and infrastructure expert at the consulting firm Drees & Sommer. What his tasks are there, ... more
The architect, visionary, project developer and managing director of Garbe Immobilien pushes building under sustainable aspects in his thinking. Wood as a building material plays a very special role in this. In his opinion, both politics and colleagues are clearly lagging behind an ecological construction method. In th... more
The 'Fraunhofer Allianz Bau' and the Institute for Building Physics operate an Augmented Reality Experience Lab in Holzkirchen. The leader of this lab, Thomas Kirmayr, explains to me in our conversation what they are researching there, which benefit it brings and how to meet your digital construction twin. I also play ... more
In the podcast, the young architect told me that he was already using digital media such as Cinema 4D or Photoshop at the age of 12. Today, he has professionalized his passion and works as a BIM manager and virtual visualization professional in a large architecture firm. With him, we bring out a 6-part tutorial video s... more
A conversation with architect Christian Tschersich (LAVA) and Sebastian Rosito (General & Director German Pavilion) about architecture, concept, challenges and special effects. The conversation is accompanied by numerous visualizations.
The previous architect has focused on new tasks for several years. Today, Michael sees himself as a marketer who promotes the event and exhibition spaces of designerwerkschau for the company Glas Trösch. In our conversation, the humorous managing director reveals, among other things, his key experience, which is why hi... more
The passionate sailor has been working for the world-famous company Miele for many years. In doing so, he takes me on a time journey over 100 years. Currently Enslin is working on a cooktop with artificial intelligence, a project called 'Invisible Kitchen' and a vision for small bathrooms in urban areas.
The German architect Thomas Fritzsche has been working in China / Shanghai for 15 years. He has specialized in workplace design and commercial and office buildings. What he has experienced, how he perceives the country and which architectural challenges to be overcome, you can hear with him in our podcast.