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Schooled vs Self-Taught with Sculptor David Williams

Schooled vs Self-Taught with Sculptor David Williams

Released Monday, 11th March 2024
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Schooled vs Self-Taught with Sculptor David Williams

Schooled vs Self-Taught with Sculptor David Williams

Schooled vs Self-Taught with Sculptor David Williams

Schooled vs Self-Taught with Sculptor David Williams

Monday, 11th March 2024
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This is Art Musings - with love from Oxford; a brand new podcast created by Oxford-based artists Sally-Anne Stewart and Carole Theriault.

Carole and Sally chat with local Stone Sculptor David Williams. The focus:  formal academic training vs a self-taught approach to art. Is there a best route for artists to follow? Finnd out on this episode of art musings.
Website: www.sculptedinstone.co.uk
David's bio: David is a sculptor in stone. His work is in private collections locally, across the UK and in Europe and the US. He exhibits twice a year through Oxfordshire Artweeks (and is a member of the organisation's board) and through various other exhibitions. In the Summer and Autumn he runs Sculpture-in-a-Day courses based in the grounds of Cokethorpe School in Witney or 'on tour' at clients' own homes. Recently David started turning wood, which has the great advantage of being done in the relative warmth of his garage rather than at his outdoor studio at Cokethorpe. David was previously a teacher, mostly of chemistry and photography to A Level.
David's work, for home or for garden, is influenced by the shapes, patterns and movement of the natural world. His favourite stone is Ancaster hard white or weatherbed limestone but he also uses slate, Bath stone, Cotswold stone, Yorkshire gritstone, granite, soapstones, serpentine and more. He sometimes uses gold leaf in his pieces.See Carole work: https://www.carole.wtf.
See Sally's work: https://sallyannestewartprints.co.uk

Connect with us on instagram: @artmusingspodcast
And THANK YOU for being here. Means the world. ❤️

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