Elizabeth Russell describes Dreamfruit: an Interactive Almanac for Radical Belonging. Find out why this planner is so much more than a planner and how it came to be and what else it has inspired.We discuss the nature of time, animism, and the living symbolism of astrology.By the end of the conversation, you may wis... more
Debbie Stapleton is a Modern Mystic living in Montreal. Hear how her art and astrology speak to and with each other and how that came to be. Debbie also shares some beautiful insights about getting your own art and astrology practice going. If you live in or near Montreal, you may be able to join in on a Music, Movemen... more
Want to know when to cut yourself some slack? or how long that grump-fest you've got going will last? Listen in to find out how Honeycomb Collective's Personal Almanacs can help you to do this - and so much more (really)!Madeline and Colin are a couple of creative geniuses who've gone and made a fabulous tool for the... more
Sam's art is intriguing. Listen in as we discover and share it's wisdom, springing out the ideas of Power & Consciousness, as presented by Dane Rudhyar. Sam Ogden is an artist and astrologer living in Massachusettes who hosts monthly Astrology meetups and offers art and horoscopes on his website:http://www.brother... more
New podcast episode featuring Elizabeth Russell of @being.space who brought us the dreamy #bespacepdx as well as the #lifeartbeing integrative arts festival..In this episode, we hear about Elizabeth’s conviction that the antidote to the troubles of our times is available to us, and it’s in the Astrology!.Find out a... more
Working with Chiron can be tricky. Shannon and I share some of our own insights and discuss themes of placements and transits.Shannon Rae's website:https://unwillingmystic.com/Manitoba Astrology:http://mbastrology.com/Canadian Astrology Conference:http://www.astrologyconference.ca/Melanie's Chiron Workshop i... more
Ancient Principles for Modern Times! Listen in to hear more about Stacia Secreriat’s view on Astrological Self Care. We discuss philosophy, ontology, and teleology! Those are all fancy words for questions folks have been asking for eons such as:Who are we?Why are we here?What are we supposed to do?If you’ve ever ... more
The Making of the Astro Essentia Oracle Deck was a long, rich process. Listen in as Courtney Sahl, the creator of the deck, tells us about its history and value.Support the creation of the deck at:https://astroessentia.com/Or on Kickstarter at:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/courtneysahl/astro-essentia-an... more
Find out Tracy's unique approach to Saturn Returns and why it is more effective than looking at the Saturn Return as an isolated incident. Get a preview on her talk at NORWAC 2019 right here! https://consultthesky.com/http://norwac.net/http://www.astrologyedmonton.com/Tracy is @consultthesky on social media
Rachel J Rockey and Melanie Gurley are combining their magical powers to bring you Another Realm Consulting, which brings together Astrology, Therapy, and Magic for the benefit of all beings, especially our clients! Listen in to learn more and visit our project website to sign up for our Newsletter:https://www.anothe... more
Grant Hanna is a talented artist who creates visual interpretations of ancient understandings of Astrology and Magic. We touch on so many topics in this show! From Boticelli to Essential Dignities to Mansions of the Moon and more! Hear what projects Grant has going on and how to get in touch with him to commission your... more
Are you working to reconcile your woo with your spiritual practice? Nate Craddock is a minister who practices Astrology and has a few words (and a great big heart) to share on the matter. He also takes us through a few horary examples and discusses how Astrology is a very useful Spiritual Care Technology. Listen in and... more
Learn all about Libra Sun, Moon, and Rising signs from real astrologers: Gabriel Rosas (Gabe), Elodie St-Onge Aubut (Elodie), and Kristen Gorte (Kristen).We explore what each placement represents in general, what it's like for each of them to live with their Libra placement, tips for folks who are Libra or who relate... more
An interview with Patricia Panasri, Astrologer and Yoga Instructor who focuses on supporting moms through the early phases of parenting young children. We discuss some astrological philosophy and how a reading can help parents be aware of their children's needs.https://www.beautiful-astrology.comhttps://nurtureplayl... more
This is the Virgo episode of this series on 'the big three' Astrological placements (Sun, Moon, Rising). Listen in as real astrologers describe their real life experiences of these placements in this sign. If you have any follow-up questions, direct them to Melanie via the contact form at www.beautiful-astrology.comC... more
Hear from folks with Leo Sun, Moon, and Rising placements what being a Leo is really like and how to make the most of it. Also hear from a few 'Magickal Scouts' about their favorite activities to get an idea of what 'Magick Camp for Girls' will be like!To register for camp, go to: www.beautiful-astrology.com
An interview with Chris Brennan on his book Hellenistic Astrology. Hear how his research affected his approach to astrology and gain insights into the tension between fate and free will. chrisbrennanastrologer.comtheastrologypodcast.comhellenisticastrology.comtheastrologyschool.com
Getting to know the vibe of Cancer from astrologers with Cancer placements. Do you have a Cancer placement you'd like to understand a little better? Or know someone who does? You've got to listen to the wisdom shared on this episode!Brittany:On instagram @bwbonesaw & @astrology4brosDeborah:www.plutonianslip.com &... more
Vanessa Couto has a whole stellium in Gemini! Listen in for fresh insights on what it means to be a Gemini and how to make the most of it! www.vanessacouto.comwww.beautiful-astrology.com
Aubrie de Clerck, Career Coach and Astrologer, shares insights from her work with the asteroid, Chiron, as it relates to career in individual's charts. Catch her live at the Oregon Astrological Association's upcoming workshop in Portland!https://www.coachingforclarity.net/http://www.oregonastrology.org/new-events-1/... more
Get your Taurus download from these three beautiful humans! Ian Waisler, Megan McGugan, and Ava! Find out what makes a Taurus tick, how to overcome Taurean challenges and make the most of the Bull's strengths!
Know any Aries folks? Here we discuss what it means to have an Aries Sun or an Aries Moon with two astrologers who have those placements. We cover what it's like to be an Aries, including benefits and challenges. We discuss how an Aries might be affected when the Sun is in Aries in the spring or when the Moon goes thro... more
Listen in while a few Portland School of Astrology students explore Mars themes using a healthy dose of self-analysis, observation, and divination methods! Feel inspired to look at your own Mars and other chart placements in a new, imaginative way. Send us submissions and comments (special invitations and suggestions o... more
Kelsey Branca of Deep Sea Astrology shares insights into Uranus and Queer Revolution through the signs, including tidbits on living out your chart in regards to your natal placement of Uranus and how that is affected by transiting Uranus. So much! And still, suitable for beginner astrologers. Catch up with Kelsey on ... more