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Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science of language.

Daniel Midgley

Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science…

A weekly Science, Social Sciences, Education and Society podcast featuring Daniel Midgley

 9 people rated this podcast
Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science of language.

Daniel Midgley

Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science of language.

Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science of language.

Daniel Midgley

Because Language - a podcast about linguistics, the science…

A weekly Science, Social Sciences, Education and Society podcast featuring Daniel Midgley
 9 people rated this podcast
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If you’re a word nerd you’ll love Talk the Talk, it’s worth it alone if you want to be that person with the interesting anecdotes when you catch up with your pals!
I was delighted to stumble on this podcast! The hosts are pleasant, funny, and knowledgeable, and their occasional guests are great too. If you vaguely think linguists are just grammar police, you're completely wrong. There's no pedantry here, just a deep interest in how people use language.
Here’s your honest review. The content is wonderful, but the reveling in your smugness and judgmental nature is off-putting. It amazes me that you have the self-awareness to recognize you have these issues but not the self-awareness to do anything about it. I’m a regular listener and provide a little support through Patreon, but of all the linguistic podcasts that I listen to, this is the most difficult one to get through. A little humility and pausing before you talk about things or people you hate or declaring something is wrong would go a long way.
I'm so happy this podcast exists. I always find out something about language that I can tell my friends and family about, so thanks for making me seem smarter!
Insightful, engaging and entertaining. Because Language offers news, interviews and games centred around Linguistics and is broken down to offer laypeople access to its content
Daniel, Hedvig, and Ben have helped this word lover get through a lot of pandemic isolation with engaging linguistic content at the perfect level for an interested non professional. Thanks!
Daniel, Hedvig, and Ben bring linguistics to the people. With topics that are always entertaining, this podcast is pure joy. Hedvig and Daniel are both professional linguists, and I often follow along with Ben as the only amateur on the show. Excellent guests join the show often and their word of the year episode is a can't miss. You will not regret listening to this show.
Intelligent and fun, this podcast captures your attention and doesn't let go. The hosts are charming and have a great rapport with each other and their interviewees. You absolutely should give it a listen.
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