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183: Severance, not Succession

183: Severance, not Succession

Released Monday, 11th April 2022
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183: Severance, not Succession

183: Severance, not Succession

183: Severance, not Succession

183: Severance, not Succession

Monday, 11th April 2022
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It was a very busy turn of the month so we're wandering in pretty late with this episode. I talk a little bit about my recent decision to transition away from running MetaFilter (but we'll, inter alia, keep podcasting); Jessamyn and I talk about MeFi stuff as per usual; we establish that she started watching the wrong show and couldn't figure out why people liked it; and we chatter about at least three words we're not sure how to pronounce and establish, once more, that neither of us can read IPA. Runs our usual "about 90 minutes". Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download Misc - Jessamyn has been reading The Rabbi Small Mysteries - I have been tweeting about Semantle and word2vec - turns out it's psychosomatic, ADDICT, insane, not "attic", which does make more sense - we didn't do an April Fools thing this year, but there was a nice thread chatting about 4/1 stuff past Jobs - Distinctive Collections Coordinators by mfoight - Distinctive Collection Librarian / Archivist by mfoight - Call for submissions for women's writing anthology by Flock of Cynthiabirds Projects - A VR Schizophrenia Simulator for Us All by Lillitatiana - Anoited by ignignokt - You think you're addicted to Spelling Bee? by AMyNameIs - Hermit Crabs of Paradise Cove, Vanuatu by dobbs - Brass sextet for 6 trumpets and epic digital signal processing by range - Crafting: Ceramics and Metal Wire Trees by gemmy - Guess the AI Jukebox artist by Rhaomi MetaFilter - "Get Free Gold Rush Land Today!" by jessamyn - You are now subscribed to Random Ball Facts! by loquacious - How to make writing easier to read for everyone by storybored - Not what I usually associate with talking mushrooms by clawsoon - Guess the Secret Word! by not_on_display - Mission Accepted.....Mission Complete. by Fizz - These boots were made for narrative photographic essaying by cortex - "reform all the tawdry inefficiencies" by brainwane - The Inevitability Of Bushveld by cortex Ask MetaFilter - You too can be "Jew for a Day!" by Drasher - Funeral smalltalk by b33j - How to find what was on p29 of a 1954 issue of Canadian Bride magazine by paduasoy - This is the best __________ I know of.... by dobbs - Looking for sounds that shout their gender by nosila - How do you interpret Maimonides' levels of charity in a modern context? by dorothy hawk - Outdoor art installations around the world? by cyndigo - Have there been any art shows where the art didn't exist? by andoatnp - Do cavemen have more fun? by Jubey - It's a round...thingy? by cortex - Have the things you find on the ground changed in the last 30 years? by bdc34 - Name this fragment of a tune by mpark - Help me buy a great film! by JimN2TAW - a comment by jessamyn MetaTalk First steps in some MetaFilter changes by cortex

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