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184: Sentences are music

184: Sentences are music

Released Sunday, 8th May 2022
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184: Sentences are music

184: Sentences are music

184: Sentences are music

184: Sentences are music

Sunday, 8th May 2022
Good episode? Give it some love!
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I didn't edit or write this month's podcast (other than this little bit)! Thanks so much to eotvos for all his work on this; note his note at the end of the podcast about other possible contributions as well! In any case, Jessamyn and I talk about MetaFilter as we are wont to do; it runs the usual 90-ish minutes. Helpful Links Podcast Feed Subscribe with iTunes Direct mp3 download Projects - BOKEH game by malevolent - Reunion Tour by Valrus - Set Side B by JHarris Jobs - Usability and Delops cluster hire by rockindata - Freelance project uploading to our CMS by Magami (filled) Metafilter - Elon Musk wants to buy twitter by joannemerriam - the fail whale could not be reached for comment by fight or flight - Harder Drive: Hard drives we didn't want or need by zengargoyle - Medical Gaslighting by dancing leaves - Calleafgraphy by curious nu - I promise you, all of us up here tonight, we WERE that kid! by hippybear - This is the time, and this is the record of the time by oulipian - The Onions Has Been Permanently Banned from Twitter by DirtyOldTown - A LaserWriter dreamscape by furtive - I'm better at this than you are at everything you do. by Etrigan - Gonna go down to Black Mesa and get myself a BajaaAAaaAa Blast by cortex - "...a lot of fuss over a flight with one takeoff and one landing." by jessamyn Ask Metafilter - what have you got in your pocketses? by RobinofFrocksley - Holes found in Net by storybored - Umbrella/generalist terms for jobs/roles that have distinct subroles? by cortex - Where is a pot a kettle? by evilmomlady - Heavy, flat and cheap? by bondcliff - What media hit you differently the second time around? by jeszac - Find me gentle, fictional, happy ending TV by rednikki Fanfare - Our Flag Means Death: Season 1 by gladly Metatalk - Ch-ch-ch-changes! by Eyebrows McGee - Transition Team Post #1 by warriorqueen - Transition Team initial discussion summary and kickoff by cortex - Masto and other accounts by Fiasco da Gama - https://metatalk.metafilter.com/26053/Four-years-of-Mefi-Card-Club by Sparky Buttons Music clips - Hope After Despair by gt2 - Halt to Start by q*ben - Chase Music for an Imaginary Low Budget Cyberpunk Movie by thatwhichfalls - The Only Load the Lord Has Given Me, with Thanks for His Grace by youarenothere - Plumbium by q*ben

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