Winning means something different to everyone and imagine what it would take and be the #1 in the WORLD at something. Have you ever met the #1 at anything person? Seriously, someone who is the #1 person in the WORLD at something. Buckle up buttercups because today you get to, wait....experience Jessie Lee War... more
Show Notes:URGENT: YouTube won’t show you my NEW videos UNLESS you 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONSDownload the Brenda the HR Lady app ➤ Apple: or Google Play: more
This week is a look into what recommendations Brenda and Suzanne (the Evil HR Lady) share around questions they get pertaining to mandating the COVID vaccine.
How do you cope and collaborate when the boss has made a significant or small mistake? Listen to Brenda's solution and work the problem vs the problem working you.
Most people want to squash your confidence and the amazing things you do because that's what average people who live in their own envy and ego do. So how do you live an extraordinary life in the face of what Ryan Stewman calls "the force of average"? Tune in and listen how you can live the most amazing life while winni... more
This week Brenda talks about the unfolding events at WWJ-TV in Detroit and the actions taken on behalf of April Moss, reporter and Chuck Davis, Chief Engineer.
It's Brenda's annual look at the country's active shooter status in the US and she is joined with Hector Delgado, retired US Navy SEAL, from ASR Alert Systems.
Want to crush & slay the day when the day wants to crush & slay you? Listen to my girl Jessica (get her best-selling book Pivot & Slay) on how you can change the direction of whatever is going on in your world and come out a victor!
Brenda shares a broadcast from a Clubhouse session she gave which addresses some unique and challenging changes coming that will impact the company culture, how our managers manage, and how CEOs can protect proprietary information.
This week Brenda meets up with a Fellow from the first East Coast graduating class with The Honor Foundation, Rich Diviney. Rich talks about his new book, Attributes, and individual high performance.
Have you run into a situation where people's passion for changing social circumstances has made your employees feel uncomfortable? What do you say? How do you handle it? Listen in as Brenda talks about some of the dos and don'ts.
Bedros Keuilian is founder and CEO of Fit Body Boot Camp, listed three times on Entrepreneur Magazine’s 500 fastest growing franchises in the world. He’s also the author of the Wall Street Journal Best Seller, Man Up, and is known as the hidden genius behind many of the top businesses, entrepreneurs and thought leaders... more