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DBT learning - are you flopping or resting?

DBT learning - are you flopping or resting?

Released Tuesday, 3rd December 2024
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DBT learning - are you flopping or resting?

DBT learning - are you flopping or resting?

DBT learning - are you flopping or resting?

DBT learning - are you flopping or resting?

Tuesday, 3rd December 2024
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I had a burst of energy today, so while the podcast is still officially Beyond the Borderline I wanted to share something I've learned through DBT therapy that has been a revelation to me: the difference between flopping and resting. 

I never understood why I have regular urges to literally curl up into a fetal position from sheer emotional and mental exhaustion, and zone out into numbness. And why my body feels like a plate of lead when I get these urges. AND why I never feel rested after these "breaks". 

Well, now, with the help of my DBT therapist, I do, and I'm sharing the scoop with you, as well as how to deal with these urges and what to do instead. 

FYI this is an impromptu episode with no editing so there may be more Ums and Aahs than usual! 

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