If you reside in the L.A area and are affected by the fires, my deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. There are resources listed below for those affected.
For those who would like to help, I've also complied a few resources to donate and support. There are many, many gofundme lists (look under "trending") if you prefer to help families directly.
New episodes for the Boss-Goddess relaunch are also being delayed due to the constant interruption in power and internet services and I hope to bring you light, inspiration and intuitive business strategy to your new year very, very soon.
I hope this message finds you well and out of harms way. Wishing you safety and sending love & hope. -Love, Barsi
Disaster Assistance:Help applying for FEMA disaster assistance. This is the main website => https://www.disasterassistance.gov/Disaster Assistance Application page: https://www.disasterassistance.gov/get-assistance/find-assistance
The Foundation for California Community Colleges also has a fund: https://give.foundationccc.org/give/460447/#!/donation/checkout
If you are affected by the Eaton Fire and need support, please visit: https://pasadena.edu/fireupdates/
The California Community Foundation has relief resources here (scroll down the page for resources):https://www.calfund.org/funds/wildfire-recovery-fund/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
Contribute/Donate:To support families directly: https://www.gofundme.com/s
The California Community Foundation also has a donation page here: https://www.calfund.org/funds/wildfire-recovery-fund/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
IFUNDWomen has organized a fund for women-business owners with 100% of donations going directly to those affected. Click the button below to donate to this fund:https://www.ifundwomen.com/blog/ifw4la-Los-Angeles-fire-relief-fund
One of Avant Haüs Media's long-time clients is Pasadena City College. They are a
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