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Boss Goddess

Christina Barsi

Boss Goddess

A weekly Education, Business and Entrepreneur podcast featuring Christina Barsi

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Boss Goddess

Christina Barsi

Boss Goddess

Boss Goddess

Christina Barsi

Boss Goddess

A weekly Education, Business and Entrepreneur podcast featuring Christina Barsi
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Feb 4th, 2025
The things that you are attracting in your life that are not ideal or not serving you the way you want them to are resonating with an old pattern - an old version of yourself that you’ve outgrown, an old belief system - and it’s time for an upgrade.In this episode, your host Christina Barsi, will be explaining how to d...
Jan 28th, 2025
What is an Intuitive Business Strategy? If you might be noticing that you want to create some changes in your existing business or you want to create something new entirely, like perhaps you're ready to START a creative or well-being or spiritual business or even a project, then you might be wondering where to start an...
Jan 14th, 2025
If you reside in the L.A area and are affected by the fires, my deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. There are resources listed below for those affected. For those who would like to help, I've also complied a few resources to donate and support. There are many, many gofundme lists...
Dec 12th, 2024
Welcome to the newly re-branded Boss-Goddess podcast, hosted by Christina Barsi! (Formerly known as Be Bold Begin). This conversation picks up where Be Bold Begin left off but this time…we are turning your inspiration into aligned action. Now is your time to answer the call, to let it be easy and to trust what feels go...
Dec 10th, 2024
We're back! Take a listen to find out what the big announcement is and learn more about Barsi's 2024 evolution and how it will serve YOU in 2025 and beyond. Here's a hint...new episodes are on their way. Mentioned in this episode:FREE ON-DEMAND MASTERCLASSSelf-Attunement Audio Course: Embody Your VisionLearn more: The ...
Dec 7th, 2023
The truth is, I’ve been creating this for a long time. If you’re ready to really make the shift INTO OPERATING from your INTUITIVE WISDOM AND PURPOSE and STOP operating from outside rules and guidelines, outside values and outside markers of success and hustling your way to your goals and INSTEAD start aligning with wh...
Oct 24th, 2023
CONNECT WITH ME & JOIN MY NEWSLETTER Do you feel your transformation asking you to release old models and ways of doing things? Resistance is a normal stage to this process after the awareness but eventually, (if you let it) your only choices becomes listening and letting go.  I have a big announcement in this episode!...
Oct 10th, 2023
Are you finding yourself in a place of “in-between”? It may be fueled by new realizations, new priorities, new creative ideas or heart-messages, or something just emerging that needs more space to develop clearly... This process can look differently depending on what is needed. You may be experiencing burnout, you may ...
Oct 3rd, 2023
"Trusting the process" when life gets real and resources get low...is one of the hardest things to do. It's also the time when we actually NEED to trust the process the most. SO MANY OF US are in a place of transition, transformation and rebuilding. Myself included. In this episode I share with you what my process has ...
Sep 26th, 2023
Do YOU have a wellness strategy? It is almost October which happens to be Emotional Wellness month. I joined Jesse Torres, host of the Hack My Business podcast, along with another guest Beth Bloom to discuss our definitions and processes for wellness, particularly in relationship to being in business.Wellness does NOT ...
Sep 19th, 2023
We often talk about healing through the context of our mental, emotional or spiritual bodies, but our physical bodies are the manifesters of the others…and all must work together. Today’s episode touches on the transition that led our guest, Kristel Bauer to create her brand Live Greatly, the fundamentals around how tr...
Sep 12th, 2023
How often do you get the chance to actually LISTEN to what your body is telling you? For example,  if you're tired, you take a break and rest or if you're stressed, you pause and take time away...In this episode we are talking about the power the body has to heal, how we acquire sickness and how that can serve as a wak...
Sep 5th, 2023
When is the last time you felt you were in the "flow state"? I've called this many things, like following the muse or intuitively connecting to your wisdom and trusting what comes next or being in meditation or simply engaging with your creativity. There are SO MANY WAYS you can tap into this "flow state" at any moment...
Aug 29th, 2023
Do you feel like your dreams are far fetched? Or that the things you WISH you could experience are unrealistic for YOU and only available to "other" people?I have a fun conversation with Colleen Gallagher about her healing journey from a cancer diagnosis at a young age which prompted her discoveries around alignment, t...
Aug 22nd, 2023
Once you know what you want to do and how you want to show up differently or what you want to lean into...what is the process THEN?! This is the nurture phase, the life-habit changes, the belief shifts, the REAL process that creates REAL change. This is what I'm calling Alchemy. It's the long-game of it all. Keep liste...
Aug 15th, 2023
What is the simplest way to activate a dream you have? That is what I'm sharing with you today. In this episode you'll learn my gentle and simple process to taking all of your new discoveries (have you listened to Part One yet??) and creating action steps for it. You can't bring something into your life without beginni...
Jul 18th, 2023
I’ve spent the last couple of years exploring the power and wisdom that we have access to within OURSELVES as human beings, with my guests on this show. They have transformed my own understanding of what we’re capable of, and have challenged my own beliefs of what is truly possible and accessible by hearing and holding...
Jul 11th, 2023
How close are you to getting YOUR message into the world? Because I believe so deeply in your purpose and creating pathways, tools and conversations to get you closer to living your Purpose, I thought it would make sense to share what it really takes to connect with, create and define YOUR unique message. So I’m going ...
Jul 4th, 2023
I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to not acknowledge my humanness. Trying to bury it, feeling lots of shame and guilt for having human experiences and for not showing up more perfectly. If this sounds relatable to you, you’re not alone. And it truly was creativity that has saved me time and time again from the trappin...
Jun 27th, 2023
Do you ever tell yourself that you're too old to have what you truly desire? To take the time to make the changes that would literally SHIFT your life for the better?  My guest Jo Ann Richards is here to share that "it's never too late...and there is still so much to do". Now in her 60's she wrote her first book, left ...
Jun 20th, 2023
Have you ever pretended to be someone you admire? Or wondered what it's like to grow up on the other side of the world? Today we explore oneness, humanity, compassion, being curious and approaching equity through the lens of oneness. And beginning to see each other, AS ourselves.  My guest today is Andrea Swinton, a pr...
Jun 13th, 2023
What if the next transformational story you heard...was YOURS? We've had so many wonderful inspiring guests on this show, sharing the moment in their life when everything changed, when they connected with something deep inside them, the wisdom of their soul, whispering to them "there is another way". Begging them to em...
Jun 6th, 2023
Join me in this guided meditation as we connect with the frequency of JOY and explore bringing it into your daily experience  by simply connecting with it. Find a comfortable, cozy spot, relax and enjoy as you connect with Joy.More from Barsi:Visit: https://www.boss-goddess.co/Instagram: @bossgoddessbarsi & @boss_godde...
May 30th, 2023
Are you curious about the hype around meditation? Or maybe you already have a practice and can instantly relate? Today we are talking about meditation and the way it can serve as an entry point to connecting with ourselves or as a catalyst for bigger realizations or shifts we may need. We talk about how, over time, med...
May 23rd, 2023
What if you could have fun, be joyful and create the life and vision you desire all at the same time? This is not to say that there isn't actionable effort required or that you can skip the hard stuff (i.e the healing, the inner work or the shadow-stuff...). It just means that this option is available and possible for ...
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