sat down and got pretty violent with my friend Trent as we tore apart the album, Graveyard shift by Motionless in white on labor day, while a puppy became the VIP, and had a guest parents also by new bestie London. lots of drinking and serious tear apart.
Right now...LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!sat down with my friend Adrian of Assuming We Survive and it is such a positive episode. I had a blast talking with him!Songs:BitterNo Fairy TaleIm YoursCheck them out on the "you can't kill us tour" with Icon for Hire!
Quick Episode on Concert do's & Donts!Don't forget about our warped tour contest! ENDS NEXT WEEK ON FRIDAY!!songs used:Sum41- Still Waiting (Live 2016)My Chemical Romance - Ghost Of You (Live in Mexico City 06 or 07)Underoath- Reinventing your Exit (Underoath Farewell show)Blink-182: Bored to Death (Acoustic Live... more
I sat down with lead singer of Cover your tracks and we talked tour, being from different bands and...the death trap? check out the new video for "Striking Matches"
I sat down with Brian and Aaron of Gemini Syndrome and it was great! we talk about there music, red states, and about crazy rumors. Gemini will be on tour with Motionless in white, In This Moment and Avatar ! go check them out! Fbk/instagram/twitter: Gemini Syndrome
I had the opportunity to sit and talk to the boys of Islander on valentines day. We talked about current and pass tours,music, Arin's Experience with Avenged Sevenfold, Running into them on the highway and.. Pirates? Super chill and fun conversation if you haven't checked them out please do and tell them i sent you!So... more
Listen to my guest and friend, Mike Miller and I discuss and tear apart Silverstein's third album: Arrivals And Departures.Twitter: @podcastbtiInsta: BreaktheicepodcastFacebook: Break the IceEmail: [email protected]
songs used: Emarosa-HelplessEmarosa- One Car GarageThe Word Alive- TrappedThe Word Alive- OverdoseIssues- ComaStitched Up Heart- MonsterFrom ashes To New- Lost And AloneAssuming We Survive- Love Is TortureSilverstein- GhostMotionless In White- 570Sylar- AssumeVolumes- Feels GoodBeartooth- Aggressive**ALL ... more