Well. Nevertheless, Joe Biden is President-Elect Kamala Harris is First EVER Woman Vice President Elect Donate to support Democrats in the GA Senate runoff: GASenate.com Check out Red’s New twitch Game Show Blabbermouth Support the podcast! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Follow us on twitter at @boarsgoreswords! Bu... more
MULE-er or MULL-er? I still have no idea. In this ULTIMATE Bunker Politics episode we answer questions from YOU We’re joined on mic this final episode by Bunkie & The Orb Support the podcast! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Follow us on twitter at @boarsgoreswords! Subscribe to our Westworld podcast Doesn’t Sound lik... more
A very honorable podcast Cosby found guilty Trump definitely in Moscow in during 2013 Miss Universe Ronny Jackson in the way in, no out Michael Cohen pleads the fifth Also Kanye, NK, and so much more Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Bunker Politics albu... more
The only podcast by two non-existent hosts Come on, Comey Trump is back to being a coward on Russia Mitch McConnell is a coward on Trump Syria happened because Trump wants people to fear his tweets SEAN HANNITY Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Bunker Po... more
The only podcast with millions of illegal voters in California alone John Boehner is, uggggghhh, Cool now Trump’s lawyer is raided Mitch McConnell continues to be great in season 2 of Legion Zuck DOES kind of look like Brent Spiner Paul Ryan is not getting fired, he’s quitting Comey’s dumb book Trump endangers t... more
China, welcome to #TheResistance F***ing Scott Pruitt Trump doesn’t need a chief of staff TRADE WAR Russian to conclusions Russian OLIGARCHS Recursive idiocy Todd Johnson resigns, still would be a better President than Trump Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on ... more
Welcome from the United Straits The Return of the Bohn Jolton Trump definitely did something illegal if he can do illegal things Citizenship on the 2020 census Rick Gates is terrible Manafort expects a pardon The longest speed round yet!!! Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Iv... more
We’re weak both mentally and physically McCabe fired! Still has relatively cush life. John Down resigns MEN IN THEIR 70s SHOULDN’T BE FIGHTING Red speaks on Cambridge Analytica Paul Ryan believes Trump about something Jeff Sessions proposes genocide DO NOT CONGRATULATE SPEED ROUND TAKES TOO LONG Support the pod... more
It’s The Bad Ideas Party National School walkout day in protest Definitely check out the NY Times photo spread Idiot teacher w/a gun endangers students Rex Tillerson is fired? That’s good? His replacement is worse. Pennsylvania’s 18th District A LIGHTNING ROUND Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @... more
Maybe we should try having a podcast for life Stormy Daniels’ brilliant legal maneuvering Sam Nunberg’s Whiskey Mug Trump sues California BUT HOPE HICKS’ EMAILS!!! Finally some good Administration infighting, over tariffs! Russians told Trump not to hire Romney Kim Jong-Un calls off the game of Nuclear Chicken ... more
You can always tell a Milford man Wait did Trump just call for gun control?! Kushner continues to not be corrupt or incompetent Mueller looking for obstruction of justice like a whale looking for water Hope Hicks resigns I have no idea who that is or what she does Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @... more
Hey go check out March For Our Lives March 24th We talk about the Parkland, Florida school shooting Trump has a note card for being human NRA does dumb NRA stuff Unnamed Republican is a monster There are 18 Governor houses where Dems have a chance in 2018!!! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan ... more
Listen as we begin to plan Bunky’s Grand Military Parade We get half the distance again to direct Russian manipulation of the 2016 Election Some pachouli-doused liberal spouts off about the Russians Trump really wants to talk to Mueller despite his lawyers, friends, and lawmakers. Rob Porter is a monster Nancy Pe... more
The only political podcast with 45.6 million listeners (the most in history) The Nunes memo is an incredible self-own Sean Hannity was an adviser?! Lowest net positive rating on a SOTU since 1998 No Russian sanctions! What a coincidence CIA expects Russians to tamper w/elections in 2018 Trump asks Pentagon for... more
The official podcast of The XFL The shutdown begins and ends 69 hours later. Nice. Trump says he’s willing to open a path to citizenship for DREAMers. Trump ready to speak to Mueller Dear Abby Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Bunker Politics album artwo... more
A very stable podcast WH Weather Report: Stormy Government Shutdown & Shithole countries Arrested Development’s John Kelly Russia & North Korea I can’t believe they let Bannon back in here Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Bunker Politics album artwork... more
Thankfully Nothing happened in December 79 women are running for Governor Please vote BunkerPolitics #MostDishonest & #MostCorrupt I just care about nuclear familes & nuclear war Schlosser book on the Nuclear arsenal This American Life ep on The Damascus Incident Orrin Hatch RETIRES Wolff in Sheepp’s clothing... more
UPDATE: Men still bad Tax Bill atrocity is bad Trump is a liar James O’Keefe is hilariously incompetent I’m embarrassed to be alive in 2017 Is Jr or Eric dumber? We’re about to find out. Rex Tillerson forced out? Kushner interviewed by Mueller Trump still a birther?! His lawyer tells him what he wants to he... more
No men in politics The NY Times list of powerful men accused of sexual misconduct 60K Haitians forced to leave the US Keystone Pipeline spilled 210K gallons of oil Senate GOP tax plan FCC announces Net Neutrality rollback Mueller’s investigation heats up Torshin proposes a Russian Backdoor to Kushner Support ... more
Title: James Franco Killed JFK I “really started this whole fake news thing” - Trump Go Flake yourself JFK documents withheld Good old-fashioned corruption, believe DT did NOT collude w/Russia! …except when he did Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! JOTW... more
What a time to be alive! Recorded on the road, we love you all, detailed show notes back next week! Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Bunker Politics album artwork by Nicole Peterson
F***ing Moron. Sorry, Fucking Moron. Trump tricked by a line graph Let’s get rid of the 1st Ammendment! Trump & I both hate everyone in The White House It’s a Corker Puerto Rico brought that Hurricane on itself Destroying the ACA Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red o... more
Trump takes on the one group of fat cats who wouldn’t let him in, NFL owners Puerto Rico is fucked Red comes up with a complete woke fanduel lineup Trump finally reveals his two-faced tax plan! Not-a-Doctor Strange and the deleted tweet Did they hack us? Or hack-hack us? Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter ... more
Elton John would not approve The repeal is BACK I knew working with trump was a trap The positive economic impact of refugees North Korea A whole bunch of Russia Support the podcast! Follow us on twitter at @BunkerPolitics! Support Ivan & Red on Patreon! Bunker Politics album artwork by Nicole Peterson
Ivan Survived Irma, who is not part of the CPK trio Scott Pruitt doesn’t want to talk about climate change Ted Cruz, the Sex Positive Senator Democrats work with Trump on saving DREAMers, it feels like a trap Confederate's Ann Coulter: Who DOESN’T want Trump impeached?! Some minority party bullshit Bannon out in ... more