TOPICS: "My Willy is doing great" - Grimsmo Kern was purchased by Ametek. "Delegating is sometimes just as simple as delegating". Auto serial numbers on Okuma Vapor degreaser Diamond lapping Bad 3d printing
TOPICS: Project management at Saunders Tolerance ranges and scrapping parts Python script deep dive Robots to change workpieces and pallets Willemin part release... magnetism? Too much on my plate
TOPICS: NYCCNC has been purchased by DSI Hardmilling Kolsterizing process by Bodycote 5 axis automation and robotics DOITS finally work - Shrink the project - Cannot think about it Grimsmo grinding improvements - Python script to create the perfect toolpath!
TOPICS: 2025 changes DOITS Leadership roles Measuring runout in toolholders 5 axis automation at Saunders? Team oriented wishlish Fjell production update
TOPICS: Willemin air lines all replaced Saunders is using metric hardware Microscopes in the shop Tracking tool life Machining A2 The ultimate Clamps Lapping precision holes
TOPICS: DIY 3d printed machine tools with concrete! Flextures and insane tolerances Machining soft blades in the Kern is slow, but better Patterning stress Hardmlling tool life? Chatter machine monitoring
TOPICS: Google Appscripts does awesome stuff Notes to yourself in Fusion 360 and other Fusion tips and tricks Hardmilling update! Hard grindmilling too. Heat treating ideas
TOPICS: Hardmilling endmills came in Heat treating and worried about warp Kern still dropping tools Kind words from a listener Solution to Saunders' tolerance issue 50 tidbits by Dave Arneson Lapping for flatness and shiny!
TOPICS: Kern tool changers issues Creating videos for Youtube 11:-- error, 30 seconds missing Replacing glass on CNC machines Video - "The universe is hostile to computers" - Veritasium Artwork at home Flocking tumbler liquids DIY fixture rack
TOPICS: Saunders: "Grimsmo, project management is not your strong suit" How do you spend your day DSI free Fusion Fridays Regofix tool change station What's a good 5 axis with pallet changer? Heat treating in argon?
TOPICS: Safe start all operations Listening to the "Aquired" podcast Leading and coaching strategies Hardmilling blades and Puckchucks Laser probing grinding wheel accuracy
TOPICS: Checking in with your team after being on vacation Veritasium video on QR codes Grimsmo Fjell updates! How to hold incredible tolerances reliably Forcing a pause between each operation in Fusion Hardmilling
TOPICS: Podcast feedback from IMTS Threadmill design change caused issues Hardmilling features after heat treat Saunders recap of IMTS Consultants in manufacturing?
TOPICS: Grimsmo's family vacation Alarms on Machines American Precision Museum in Vermont Kern toolsetter issues Okuma break detect issues Electropolishing metals
TOPICS: Book recommendation: 6 Types Of Working Genius Venturi coolant sucker upper Normalizing steel for flatness Solar power for a shop? E-paper display:"#17 Using e-ink (epaper) Price Tags (Shelf Labels) for everyday needs"