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School uniforms: Taken for granted but are they fit for purpose?

School uniforms: Taken for granted but are they fit for purpose?

Released Wednesday, 23rd February 2022
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School uniforms: Taken for granted but are they fit for purpose?

School uniforms: Taken for granted but are they fit for purpose?

School uniforms: Taken for granted but are they fit for purpose?

School uniforms: Taken for granted but are they fit for purpose?

Wednesday, 23rd February 2022
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With research suggesting that the average cost of a school uniform for one child at £337 per year, schools and Government are coming under pressure to limit the cost parents face. But why is it that schools in Scotland and wider UK are so tied to having school uniforms?

This discussion with Dr Rachel Shanks from the university’s School of Education will examine the history of school uniforms in Scotland, discuss her research on school uniform policies and her work influencing policy makers and education officials about how this significant cost on parents can be addressed.

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