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Cage's Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

Linda Castro

Cage's Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

A weekly Comedy, TV and Film podcast featuring Linda Castro, Donnie Roberts and Adrian Smith

 83 people rated this podcast
Cage's Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

Linda Castro

Cage's Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

Cage's Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

Linda Castro

Cage's Kiss: The Nicolas Cage Podcast

A weekly Comedy, TV and Film podcast featuring Linda Castro, Donnie Roberts and Adrian Smith
 83 people rated this podcast
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Linda Castro (aka “The Cheeze” aka “Scum Queen”) can usually be found biting her husband, watching Withnail and I or another 80’s movie, psychoanalyzing her animal friends, solving puzzles in the newspaper like a grandma boss, investigating UFO sightings, studying for her MS degree, and watching or reading her stories. Linda is not recommended for children. Talk to your dog to see if Linda is right for you.


Adrian! He who was destined to be from his mother's side untimely torn! It was he who traveled through the bitter frost to the cursed forests, where he was also destined to meet the mysterious Linda and "The Donnie." Um, that quest sorta involved watching a lot of movies and drinking lots of Southern Comfort. Dude does them arts, too.


Word and animal enthusiast. Kale is from the devil. #loadedforbear #RVA


Adam Gosling is co-host of Bottom of the Stream.


Anthony Sytko is a runner, lawyer, podcaster, and host of Capes on the Couch Podcast.


Kristin is just a girl with an unhealthy obsession with death.

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