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Careers by Jenn  Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Advance Your Career

Jenn Swanson

Careers by Jenn Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Adva…

A weekly Business, Careers and Education podcast

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Careers by Jenn  Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Advance Your Career

Jenn Swanson

Careers by Jenn Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Advance Your Career

Careers by Jenn  Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Advance Your Career

Jenn Swanson

Careers by Jenn Podcast: Get the Job, Love Your Work, Adva…

A weekly Business, Careers and Education podcast
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Helping you to GET the job, LOVE your work, and/or ADVANCE your career.

Welcome to the Careers by Jenn Podcast (formerly Communication Diva).

I'm Jenn Swanson.

Are you bored and ready for a career change? Do you need help with a job search strategies? Do you need an updated resume that will get noticed?Want to learn how to ACE your next job interview? Are you looking to feel more satisfied in the work you are currently doing?Do you need some wellness reminders so you can feel better in mind and body?

If you said yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place!

My mission is to encourage, empower and inspire YOU to be the best YOU you can be, in work and in life.

There is lots to check out here and over at my website careersbyjenn.com and on my YouTube channel too.

Get ready to take YOUR first step toward a new work life or career.

I started podcasting as a hobby in 2012 on the broad topic of communication. At the time, I was teaching Human Relation Skills to college students in the healthcare field, and realized that what used to be "common sense" is not really all that common anymore, because communication skills are not intentionally taught much anymore. I didn't have enough class time to cover very much in depth, and so decided I needed a platform on which to expand what I wanted to share with people. So, Communication Diva was born.

My early episodes are quite general, and then once I got to Episode 100 and beyond, I began to focus mainly on career, workplace, job search and self-improvement topics that help you to succeed in the workplace (and in life!) through great and more effective communication.

Then, right after (and before and around) episode 150, I re-branded the name and that is why you will see Careers by Jenn title and artwork from 151 onwards!

It's been a journey and a progression and it's been amazing!

This show is often me, waxing eloquent...(haha!) and once a month, I interview fascinating guests from all around the globe who offer tips and actionable ways you can get the job, love your work and advance your career. Sometimes we focus on self-growth and wellness, organizational and personal improvement topics, and other times we give you step-by-step advice to get something particular done.

In any case, thanks for reading this very long description!

I hope you find something that resonates here and invite you to join the conversation. (Come join our private Facebook group too, it's called The Careers by Jenn Community.)

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Podcast Details

Created by
Jenn Swanson
Podcast Status
Dec 13th, 2011
Latest Episode
Mar 2nd, 2023
Release Period
Avg. Episode Length
30 minutes

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