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Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

Pushkin Industries Pushkin Industries

Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

A weekly History, Society and Culture podcast featuring Tim Harford

 46 people rated this podcast
Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

Pushkin Industries Pushkin Industries

Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

Pushkin Industries Pushkin Industries

Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

A weekly History, Society and Culture podcast featuring Tim Harford
 46 people rated this podcast
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Cautionary Tales Creators & Guests

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Tim Harford is an economist and journalist.


Helena Bonham Carter is an English actress known for her role in seasons three and four of The Crown.

Voice Actor
As "Florence Nightingale"

Jeffrey Wright is an actor.

Voice Actor
As "Leul Abate"
As "Ray Dirks"

Maria Konnikova is a writer and psychologist. She has worked as a television producer, written for several magazines and online publications, and authored two New York Times best selling books.


Dr. Laurie Santos is a Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Yale University.


Elie Hassenfeld is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at GiveWell.


Author of Money: The True Story of a Made-Up Thing. Formerly @planetmoney. Host of the podcast What's Your Problem.


Nate Silver is the founder and editor in chief of Five Thirty Eight and the author of “The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — But Some Don’t.” He is an American Statistician who is famous for analyzing sports events as well as US elections. He formerly was a contributor for the NY Times where he built traction for his near accurate prediction of the polling data for the 2012 presidential election.


Dan Snow is a television presenter. He presents history programmes for the BBC and other broadcasters, he also hosts the podcast Dan Snow's History Hit.

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