In this episode Kevin and Sam talk body image - their own experiences and the wider societal discourse around body image. They delve into physical attraction, your relationships with your own body, and how the media marginalises certain body types.
Listen to 'What's Next? A Conversation on Graduation' here
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If you or a friend are looking for some extra support, here’s some places you can go:
- For support with eating disorders, visit Beat Or call their helpline: 0808 801 0811
- Student Minds:
- Mind:
- Nightline:
- Samaritans-phone 116 123, or email [email protected]
- HOPELine UK-phone 0800 068 41 41: confidential service specifically for young people (under 35). They can offer crisis support for someone who is experiencing thoughts or feelings of suicide, as well as providing information and advice for those concerned about someone else.
- Papyrus: email [email protected]
- Students Against Depression- The Students Against Depression website has lots of information about tackling depression and low mood, including self -help resources and workbooks for students to work through to start taking steps towards tackling low mood.