If you're enjoying the show, leave a review on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chat-for-god/id1519069307We talk about power, history, and the Christian work ethic.
We discuss Joel Osteen's evangelical megachurch, sex before marriage, and whether it's cool to have a Pope.👑 Video here: https://youtu.be/TN0c5nNIm68👑 Please leave a review on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chat-for-god/id1519069307
Maran Nelson is a founder and investor who had a conservative Christian upbringing and now wants to figure out where she stands. When I said I was looking for a new co-host, she said she wanted to try, and I thought she might be great for the role—so here we go! Let us know what you think.
Marriage is an utterly insane mechanism. You’re right to think, “I’m not sure, what if it doesn’t work out, I lose so many options, etc.” It’s a crazy, impossible-to-guarantee decision with huge downsides. But if you do it right, the upside arguably approaches infinity. People postpone marriage for the same reason they... more
I’m increasingly convinced that Christianity remains simply misunderstood by almost everybody, including so many Christians. The crux of the matter is best summarized as follows. God does not exist. That is why one prays.So for today’s talk I would like to explain this idea and walk through some of the most compelling ... more
T.S. Eliot called her “a kind of genius akin to that of the saints." Simone Weil developed a unique theory of Christianity based on law-like regularities in human experience. This podcast introduces her book Gravity and Grace."Creation is composed of the descending movement of gravity, the ascending movement of grace a... more
William James (1842-1910) was a Christian intellectual who smashed the Darwinian galaxy brains with facts and logic. He showed that Science ultimately rests on Faith and genuine Christian faith is more rational than atheist Science worship.➡️ The Will to Believe by William James➡️ Contact me or submit questions you w... more
My wife and I started trying to have a baby. I don’t really feel ready financially but you can’t wait forever. I just feel like producing more life is almost always a good thing to do, but that’s quite vague to say that, so I wanted to talk about this idea. We tried to get pregnant once before, which succeeded, until i... more
Today, I want to talk about the insane ubiquity of adultery in Hollywood and Netflix and all mainstream culture. Even where it’s not featured, it’s almost always included somewhere in passing.Why?One reason is that nobody believes in genuine wholesome love anymore.Another reason is that marriage and relationships are h... more
Our first recording of this was too naughty, we had to delete and start over. We discuss anti-mask activists, the music played at the gates of Heaven, and how we might get killed.
Deep dive into two satanic Hollywood psyops: Dawson's Creek and Saved by the Bell. Where is Screech now? We find out. How Zach Morris almost RUINED Justin's life.
We discuss internet fandoms and parasocial relationships; Ashley explains how God understands everything; we discuss whether the industrial revolution has been a disaster for the human race; and we create a new dating app for Christians.