It finally rained some,Turkeys enjoying life on the lawn / pasture,A successful pig move
Building a holding paddock / corral in pasture,using the livestock trailer correctly,ready with food to distract and lure, singing the praises of homemade sorting boards!
In the CoopCast Community:
Dive_wombat - emailed a very interesting article along from down under about chicken prices as a result of the US droughtEmail and package from Steve in VA with a nifty system to monitor water bucket levels bucketsThe Stewart Homestead had a bit of their homesteading inspired by our talk of Cornish X chickens and pigs.
The Farmers Choice - We had a pig with a problem. What do we do?
What is it the issue when a pig hold it's head to the side and shakes it and what to do and when to do it?Judging and transparency in the natural farm community leaves a lot to be desired.Hear our discussions about what our choices was and why, as well as the details about how we managed the situation and administered antibiotics orally to a pig.
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