The Course Outline Includes...The Greeting of Divine Greatness (vs. 4-5a)The Giving of Deserved Glory (vs. 5b-6)The Gaining of a Detailed Guarantee (vs. 7-8)
How do think/feel about people who do not know Christ?We were...1. Hopelessly Rejected v.10a-b2. Graciously Received v.10c3. Beautifully Remade v.9a4. Intentionally Released v.9bSpiritual Conversations Matter...My life before Christ… (Romans 3:23)I came to Christ when…(Romans 6:23)My life now with Christ… (Ro... more
You must be present to win.Your presence matters with us because you are a part of a spiritual plan to form a special people with a sacrificial purpose.1. A spiritual plan v.4-5a2. A Special People v.5b3. A Sacrificial Purpose v.5cGather, Grow, Give, Go.Are you fully present?
The presence of God in our lives requires our presence with Him.What does growth involve?1. Discard the wicked v.12. Desire the Word v.23. Delight in the Lord v.33Growth has to be fueled by the reality that He is betterDiscard. Drink. Delight.
The presence of God moves you to be a witness for God.A Faithful Witness…1. Points Away From Self2. Prepares the Way for Others to Receive Christ3. Proclaims the Greatness of the SaviorHow Can You Be A Witness In 2025Pray for the lostPut a reminder on your phonePlan for gospel opportunities
What did He come to be?1. He came to be USHis humanity means He is…Fallen humanity’s representativeFallen humanity’s substituteRedeemed humanity’s example2. He came to be NEAR3. He came to be SEEN- He came to be SEENThe ABC’s of the Word who became fleshHe came to be seen. Do you see Him?
What is the story of Jesus in your life?Jesus coming to be WITH US is a story of…1. Forthright Revelation v.6-82. Failed Recognition v.9-103. Fatal Rejection v.114. Faithful Reception v.12-13Many of you say you recognize Him.Almost all of you would never attempt to reject Him.Most of you have claimed to hav... more
This Christmas come with me on a journey to be with Him for He has promised to be with us!As John recounts the coming of Christ, He tells of…1. His Identity v.1-2-His Eternity-His Unity-His Deity2. His Activity v.33. His Reality v.4-5For the people of GodChristmas i... more
When you think of Exodus be…1. Reminded of God’s Character v.1-9Remember… Who He Is (v.6)What He Does (v.7)2. Reminded of God’s Covenant v.10-283. Reminded of God’s Christ v.29-35Remember when you leave…-no veil between you and Him.-no veil between His glor... more
When you’ve experienced rebellion and sin in your life, what should you want?We should want to be...1. Discouraged by His Distance v.1-112. Fond of His Favor v.12-17Moses says… I need your favor to Go (v.12 & 15)I need your favor to Know (v.13)... more
Dr. Wess Stafford, Former president and CEO of Compassion International and an advocate for children shares his testimony and why he is an advocate for children in poverty. As the son of missionaries to the Ivory Coast, Wess grew up as one of the village children cared for by a wise and loving African “extended famil... more
Exodus 32:7-35Four responses to sin…1. The Sovereign Response v.7-10, 33-352. The Savior’s Response v 11-20, 28-323. The Sinful Response v. 22-244. The Saving Response v. 25-27Common cows worth killing:Infatuation with comfort/pleasure/experiences/ entertainmentConsumed with goals/dreams/success/statusUnhea... more
To worship an idol is to replace God with something or someone elseWhat is an idol?Anything you love more than GodAnything you fear more than GodAnything you trust more than GodAnything you serve more than GodIdolatry is...1. Distrust of God (v. 1)2. Disobedience to God (v. 2-4a)3. Distortion of God (v. 4b-6)... more
Three Truths:1. The Source of all Storms (v. 19-22)2. The Source of our Sorrow (v. 23)3. The Source of our Strength (v. 24-28)Three Sources of Strength:The Promise of God (v. 24)The Presence of God (v.25-27)The Purposes of God (v. 28)How does God use storms? To display His great power and mightTo bring jud... more
2 Corinthians 8:10-11More Than Ever God has blessed us.More Than Ever our community needs the gospel.More Than Ever we must do something about it.Paul teaches us that…1. Beginning Requires Conviction (v.10)2. Finishing Requires Commitment (v.11)- If you are a part of our church and made a MTE commitment, please... more
God designed us physically and spiritually to work and rest.2 Final Instructions:1. Work for His Glory (v.1-11)2. Rest for His Glory (v.12-18)When we look at the Sabbath:We Look UpWe Look InWe Look BackWe Look ForwardWe Look Out!
Exodus 30Moses is given four finishing touches:1. The Incense of Intercession (v.1-10, 34-38)- Prayer was the primary purpose of the altar- We need a high priest who prays for us2. The Payment of Provision (v.11-16)3. The Continuation of Cleansing (v.17-21)4. The Aroma of Anointing (v. ... more
Exodus 29When God calls someone to Himself...1. Their Soul must be Cleansed (v.1-4)2. Their Self must be Clothed (v.5-9)3. Sin must be Covered (v.10-18)4. Their Service must be Consecrated (v. 19-34)Application of an Ordination:1. Is your soul clean?2. Is your self clothed?3. Is your sin covered?4. Is your se... more
Exodus 28 1. Clothed For His Glory- The office of the High Priest - The outfit of the High Priest Verses to note:v.2-3-Requirement of Godv.12-Remembrance before Godv.29-Representation before Godv.30-Request before Godv.38-Redemption before Godv.40-Reverence before God2. Clothed In His GloryThe outfit of T... more
Exodus 27Notice...I. The Lessons from the Altar. v.1-8The altar is physical reminder of…The Fear of GodThe Forgiveness of GodII. The Lessons from the Courtyard. v.9-19III. The Lessons from the Lamp and Oil v.20-21Is there room in the spaces of your life for…the fear of God?…the forgiveness of God?…the f... more
Plans MatterA great question to ask:What does this teach us about God?We learn:1. The Demand and Desire for the Tabernacle Display the Faithfulness of God2. The Design and Detail of the Tabernacle Display the Glory of God3. The Distance and Division of the Tabernacle Display the Holiness of GodDrawing NearHoldi... more