Leor Sapir joins John Hirschauer to discuss his article from the Winter issue, “Gender Medicine on the Ropes,” and the growing legal and cultural opposition to sex-change medical procedures for young people.
Steven Malanga joins John Hirschauer to discuss his feature article, “No, You’re Not Imagining a Migrant Crime Spree,” and the significance of illegal immigration in the 2024 presidential election.
Timothy Goeglein joins Brian Anderson to discuss his new book, Stumbling Toward Utopia: How The 1960s Turned Into A National Nightmare and How We Can Revive The American Dream, which chronicles the lasting impact of the sexual revolution and the Great Society programs of the 1960s.
Manhattan Institute scholars Ilya Shapiro and Jim Copland, along with Professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz, discuss prospects for the 2024–25 Supreme Court term, in a panel moderated by Judge Stephen Vaden of the Court of International Trade.
James Panero and John Hirschauer discuss Wilhelm Reich, the father of the sexual revolution, and how he has shaped the current discourse around sexuality and the family.
Idrees Kahloon and Jordan McGillis discuss polling and strategy on economic issues, the limits of election modeling, and the state of the presidential election.
Aaron M. Renn joins John Hirschauer to discuss his book, Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture, and how American Christians can adapt to a changing culture.