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Biden's Brutus and Trump got hoodwinked with the debates

Biden's Brutus and Trump got hoodwinked with the debates

Released Friday, 9th August 2024
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Biden's Brutus and Trump got hoodwinked with the debates

Biden's Brutus and Trump got hoodwinked with the debates

Biden's Brutus and Trump got hoodwinked with the debates

Biden's Brutus and Trump got hoodwinked with the debates

Friday, 9th August 2024
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Assuming Biden wanted another term in the White House, who thought having him do an early debate was a good idea? If Biden is wondering who stabbed him in the back, his Brutus, he need look no further that who recommended the early debate. Joe - you wanted the early bird special at Golden Corral, not the early bird prime time nationally televised debate.

But seeing as this debate was a debacle for Biden that absolutely everyone saw coming, why did Donald, the artist of the deal, agree to the early debate? I hate to point this out to you Trump supporters, but Trump got dumped on this one. Here, Donald was Charlie Brown acting surprised that Lucy pulled the football away. Donald - everyone saw this coming. Why didn't you?

Finally, Christ and Joel unpack the wacky case of the week where a court decided whether you, as a consumer, can expect bones in your boneless chicken wings.

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