Don is a lifelong entrepreneur, inventor, author and coach.He hosts the podcast: “Discover Your Talent—Do What You Love” whichhe created to help you find your true talents and use them to builda career of success, satisfaction and freedom. He’s never had a“boss” and has created 6 innovative companies in advertising,publishing, coaching and career planning—and now on theInternet—over the last 41 years.
Join today’s guest, Don and discover how to achieve optimumhealth and fitness as a busy entrepreneur. The first Health RealityShow Podcast that combines video blogs and expert podcastinterviews with the reality show journey of host, J V Crum IIIlosing 100 pounds and audience members who participate in 30 DayChallenges to reach their health and fitness goals. Visitour blog to view JV’s video blogs every Tuesday,Thursday, and Saturday.
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