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Developing Persona-based Content - The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Developing Persona-based Content - The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Released Monday, 28th October 2024
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Developing Persona-based Content - The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Developing Persona-based Content - The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Developing Persona-based Content - The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Developing Persona-based Content - The Good, Bad, and the Ugly

Monday, 28th October 2024
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How well do you really know your audience? Alan Porter, Founder of the Content Pool, joined us on the podcast to discuss how to develop content that supports your specific personas. We talked about creating task-driven personas and why they are better than traditional ones, including how to build them. We also talked about the role AI can potentially play in ensuring those personas are used.  

Topics included: 

  • Why is building personas a good thing to do? 
  • Can you explain what you mean by taking an “inside-out” approach to building personas and why it’s not the right way to do it? 
  • What is the right way to build a persona? Can you have more than one? 
  • Many companies often create a persona once and they are done. How often should you review them and are there certain things/times that require revisiting them? 
  • What role, if any, can AI play in creating and managing personas? 
  • How do you ensure personas are actually being used? 

About Alan 
Alan Porter is the Founder and Chief Content Officer at Content Pool, a consultancy that helps companies create great customer experiences by leveraging their content. His services span from content strategy, content creation, content operations, to content technology. 
He's an industry thought leader in the enterprise content space with a strong track record in developing new ideas, embracing emerging technologies, introducing operational improvements, and driving business value. 

Alan has had senior leadership roles in Content Operations, Product Marketing, and Customer Experience, working for companies like Simple [A], Nuxeo, Hyland Software, and OpenText. 

Alan has a new book coming out in May 2025 - "Bristol Brabazon: The Ocean Liner of the Skies and its Ongoing Legacy.
Where You Can Find Alan 

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