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The Escape Artist – Deprogramming Skinheads and Polygamists

The Escape Artist – Deprogramming Skinheads and Polygamists

Released Thursday, 31st August 2023
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The Escape Artist – Deprogramming Skinheads and Polygamists

The Escape Artist – Deprogramming Skinheads and Polygamists

The Escape Artist – Deprogramming Skinheads and Polygamists

The Escape Artist – Deprogramming Skinheads and Polygamists

Thursday, 31st August 2023
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In today's Courage Conversation episode, we speak to Tawni Browning, an “escape artist” from the A&E TV Show Escaping Polygamy and advocate who has dedicated her life to helping individuals recover and heal from cults.

Tawni helps women flee polygamous cults and even investigated and helped to shut down one of the world's largest and most violent sk!nhead organizations.

We explore the dynamics within polygamous groups, and r@cist organizations learning what it takes to help someone exit a cult-like environment.

Relevant Links: 

- Tawni’s Husband’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatsonBrowning

- Tawni’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008069775342

- Tawni’s Website: https://www.mattandtawni.com/

- Matt and Tawni’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Hate-Next-Door-Undercover-Supremacy/dp/1728276624/ref=sr_1_1?crid=20TYN6IHX4CU7&keywords=tawni+browning+book&qid=1693258385&sprefix=tawni+browning+book%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1 

- Text message service: To sign up, text the word "courage" to 917-809-7311

- Courage 365: Facebook Group - www.facebook.com/groups/courage365

🔑 Key Takeaways:

  1. The power dynamics and extreme @buse within polygamous groups is not dissimilar to the v!olent sk!nhead groups. This episode highlights the similarities between extremist environments.

  2. Continuously Loving and Supporting. Tawni shared a powerful story of a despised individual in the FLDS community, Rachel, who is still sought out for help because she shows love. This anecdote serves as a reminder that love and support are essential, and even when we don’t think we are getting through others will be drawn to our loving response.

  3. Throughout our conversation, Tawni discusses the importance of taking action when we have access to information. By sharing our unique perspectives and combining our expertise, we can contribute to making a positive difference in the world. Let's not be bystanders in toxic situations, but active participants in creating a better future for all.

[00:00:00] Courage Conversation Show welcomes escape artist Tawni Browning.

[00:06:41] Parallels between cult rescue and combating extremism.

[00:10:28] People with talent can help others escape toxic groups, investigating and finding good in the world.

[00:14:20] Polygamous groups, F L D S and Kingston Group, have top male leaders who control everything, leading to extreme abuse, including sexual abuse.

[00:18:48] Escaping Polygamy starts with questioning, empowering individuals.

[00:20:22] Overcoming adversity and supporting others' success.

[00:22:48] Support their journey, no real normal.

[00:25:53] Different advocates help at different stages.

[00:31:51] Book available, dropping July 4th, importance of work, helping loved ones, PTSD, not wanting anyone to feel alone.

[00:33:32] Follow Courage 365: social media, resources, text messages.

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