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Hospital housekeepers say they're the essential workers who've been forgotten

Hospital housekeepers say they're the essential workers who've been forgotten

Released Wednesday, 7th September 2022
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Hospital housekeepers say they're the essential workers who've been forgotten

Hospital housekeepers say they're the essential workers who've been forgotten

Hospital housekeepers say they're the essential workers who've been forgotten

Hospital housekeepers say they're the essential workers who've been forgotten

Wednesday, 7th September 2022
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There are 95,000 housekeepers working in hospitals across the country -- greater than the number of doctors. Housekeepers are among the health care workers who spend the most time with patients and their families, often talking to and forming relationships with people as they clean. 

Despite the crucial role they played, housekeepers reported feeling unseen and undervalued throughout the pandemic. Investigative reporter Katy Golvala tells host Ebong Udoma housekeepers feel they're being left out of essential worker benefits. You can read her story here

Katy's story is also the first in a new initiative by the CT Mirror to be published in simultaneously in Spanish

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